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My eyes widen and i ask the woman "Your my mom?"

She pulls back with tears in her eyes and uses her thumb to wipe under my eyes. I didn't even realise that i was crying. "Yes baby. Oh im so glad you are back." She pulls me into a hug again and then the door opens and i see a man walking out.

He has short brown hair and these magnificent blue eyes. He looks like he doesn't know what is happening. When he looks up from the papers in his hands he stops dead in his tracks.

For some reason i already know who this man is. A memory of him rocking me at two comes back to me. "Daddy" i whisper and that seems to snap him out of his trance.

He starts silently crying and rushes over to us. Mom lets me go and he picks me off of the floor and crushes me into his hard chest. He just keeps saying my princess over and over again.

He pulls back and kisses me on the head. "Thank you for bringing my little girl home Daren." He says and gives the man a warm smile.

"She came to me. I was just the transportation."

"Still thank you." My mother says and then two people come into the room.

"She's back." They say at the same time and run over to us grabbing me from my dad. The boys look the same as my father.

"Who are you?" i ask once they let me go. Their smiles fall but they plaster them back on and say "Adam and Allen" at the same time.

"They are your brothers." My mother says with a smile and tears still falling from her eyes.

"So why do you gize live here?" i ask looking around the room. Theirs two big chairs in the center and expensive looking paintings. Theirs like four doors of of the room and thats it. Theirs nothing else in here besides for the people.

Dad chuckles and i look up at him. "We are the King and Queen of course."

I say oh like a dummie "Thats why people keep calling me princess."

Everyone laughs and i have to laugh with them. I feel stupid. "Can you tell me about it?"

Mother smiles "At dinner we will explain it all. You must be tired from the trip would you like to rest?" I nod and she says "I will send someone up in a few hours to help you get ready."

"Thank you."

"No need to thank us honey. You live here now." Mom says as dad says "Jared show her to her room."

I raise and eyebrow at his demand but dont question it. He is the king i just hope that they aren't the stuck up kind.

Jared says "Yes Sir" and then waits for me by the door. I give everyone smiles and waves and then go to Jared. He's one of the big mountains that was standing by the door.

I follow him out the door and he walks wit his hands behind his back and a serious expression on his face.

"Do you like working here?" He looks down at me but doesn't speak. I look up at him because hes like Seven foot tall. Okay maybe not that tall but close to it. "Are you not aloud to speak?" i ask him again because i want him to talk to me. I don't like silence.

He still doesn't say noting and pus his eyes to the front. "Dud i will bite you if you dont answer me."

Finally he does something. He gives a small chuckle and says "I dont talk on the job.

"Well you are going to talk to me. Silence is to awkward it makes me want to shout 'So how about them Dodgers?"

He chuckles loudly and gives me an amused look. "Your different from them."

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