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Chapter 24:

Calum hoists Tommy up in his arms and carries him out to the SUV. Yesterday all we did was go to the park and play all day. Tommy had fun and I think Calum and the boys did also. They got a chance to act like little kids and they loved it. Zeeke even enjoyed him self a bit but shhh don't tell him I seen.

After we played in the park we took Linda back home and went to the hotel to get some much needed sleep. It is not ten thirty and we are all getting into the car to make our way to the airport.

"I can't wait to sleep in my own bed." I say sighing in bliss. All of the beds have been nice but to be home is going to be excellent.

Calum smiles down at me when I get into the truck next to him. "Neither can I. It has been a long trip."

Laying my head on his shoulder I say "You can say that again."

"It has been a long trip." Calum repeats and I purse my lips at him smacking his shoulder. He chuckles greatly amused and I roll my eyes.

"Have you talked to Carter?" I ask him and the air shifts to seriousness making me sit up straighter.

"I have."

With raised eyebrows I ask "Well what did he say?"

"He is not aloud to take leave."

I snort and state. "Just watch." as Zeeke gets into the driver seat and gets us to the airport.


The plane touches down out back of the palace and I get my determined look on exiting the plane. I don't wait for anyone as I make my way into the palace. It's not fair what is happening to these men and Carter is Calum's best friend. If Cal wants him to come to the wedding that is what is going to happen.

People bow and say princess in greeting but I just walk past the determined. I'm not trying to be mean its just the faster I get to my mother the faster I get to get Carter out. When I get to her office I knock on the door and open it without being invited in.

Mother looks up from her desk with a raised eyebrow but it turns into a smile when she sees me. "Dear I didn't know you would be back so early." She doesn't rise or try and give me a hug but im use to it. It doesn't effect me anymore.

"Mother." I greet standing in front of her desk. "I have a request." She nods for me to go on and I state. "Carter Even's needs to take leave form your army."

"Carter Evens?" she asks confused and I sigh.

"Yes. He needs leave like asap."

"That's not possible dear. In the army you do not take leave." she says chuckling very amused.

Shrugging I say "Well this man is. I will go and get him myself if I have to."

Mother stops chuckling immediately and she gives me a serious look. "This is my Army Andrea and I say what happens in it."

"It may be your army now mother but in five months it will be mine." she narrows her eyes at me and I say "What is one missing man going to effect mother?"

"If I let one man take leave the rest are going to feel they can."

I roll my eyes at her and give her a disgusted look. "They should be entitled to take leave mother. They do have family's and I am sure some of them have mates. What are they supposed to do forget about their family's and serve you?"

Slowly she nods her head and says "Yes."

"You disgust me." I say with venom dripping off of my voice. "Who taught you to be like this? Grandma is the most loving woman I have ever met and you are so mean. Do you even care that I was not here for eighteen years other or did you just send me away."

My mother looks appalled and she comes to a stand walking around  her desk to stand in front of me. "Never say anything like that ever again. I missed you every day you were gone A-"

I cut her off raising my hand for her to stop. "If you missed me why do I never get hugs or why do you never tell me you love me?" I shout at her just wanting to know.

"I wasn't raised to be like that." she shouts back at me and I cock my head confused. She sighs and runs her hands through her hair. "Mother was always in the office so I never really knew her and father. Father is like me. He didn't teach me to be nice and kind and show affection. He never showed e or told me he loved me but I just knew he did. I guess I figured you just new that I loved you like the boys."

Shaking my head sadly I say "I haven't been around you for eighteen years. You can't expect me to be back for two months mother and for me to already know how you are. I know you are evil but I did not know you were capable of love."

"I am not evil." she crys and I frown at her.

"Mother all you want is control and you do not care what you hurt in the process. You take men from their families until they die without their permission. You have them go in and massacre innocent woman and children. You kill anyone who believes in someone other than the Goddess and you wonder why no one wants another queen."

My mother is quiet for a moment as she looks down at the floor. "Mr. Evans eternally is released from the Army. Now please leave my presence." she mumbles and I leave the office with a grim expression on my face.

At least we got somewhere today and I found out that she acts the way she does because of her father.

I follow the scent of my father down to the foyer and smile when I see him greeting and talking with the boys. "Daddy." I smile and he turns around beaming crushing me into a tight hug.

"Baby girl I missed you so much."

"Will you go somewhere with me daddy?" I plead "Just the two of us." Daddy gives me a concerned look and nods his head. "We have to leave like right now."

"Sure princess." he says not taking a second to answer.

I look at Calum and he doesn't look to happy. "Is that safe?" he asks my father and daddy looks over at him nodding.

"There are guards on the jet."

"There is only two."

Daddy gives him a look and Cal looks down shutting up. "I understand you are worried abut your mates well being but she would not be doing this if it was not important."

"Calum." I sigh wrapping my arms around his waist. He looks down into my eyes deeply and I state. "We will be back in a few hours. Nothing is going to happen to me. I am going to be perfectly safe."

Calum looks me all over for about five minutes and finally nods. "When I call you answer."

"Yes sir." I say saluting him trying to get him to chuckle but it doesn't work. "I love you."

"I love you Princess be careful." He gives me a lingering kiss on my forehead and when he pulls away me and daddy rush out to the jet. When the jet leaves ground I start talking. "We are going to the base."

"The base?" daddy asks in question and I nod.

"Calum's best friend is in the Army against his will and I got mother to allow him leave only she one upped me and said he never had to go back."

Daddy looks totally shocked an di give him a look telling him I will tell him later. We're on in the air for two hours before the lane finally touches down on a small really small island close to the palace's island.

Daddy and I exit the plane to see that we are in the middle of a fenced in area with a huge building that looks like a prison. "This is the base?" I ask totally flabbergast and daddy looks at me nodding sadly.

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