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Chapter 32 Recap:

Determined to get some answers I pick up the phone and type the number in. It rings a few times before a deep male voice comes over the line. "It's done. It is not my fault she was not killed."

Chapter 33:

I don't say anything for a second because im so shocked. Someone from the palace wants me dead? More importantly someone being my father. This is his phone. The Queen and the King have different phone lines. Shaking my head in denial I say "Hello sir. This sir Princess Andrea."

The line is silent for a minute before it goes dead telling me the man hung upp on me. 'Calum' I say stressed in my head.

'Princess?' he asks back concerned. 'I am coming to you.'

I sit back in the chair with a tired sigh wishing I could just go back to Linda's whenre I was normal and no one was trying to kill me. Where I trusted everyone because they have never given me a reason not to.

My daddy has never given me a reason to question or doubt his love for me and im not going to. I don't believe he is the one that higher that pack it was someone else and im going to believe that because it's innocent until proven guilty.

Daddy's office door opens and Calum steps in. He closes it and comes over to me picking me up to set me on his lap. "Are you okay?" he asks worriedly and I sigh nodding.

"The Crest pack was also hired for the hit. The only thing is, the hit came from my fathers phone."

 "No," Calum says in disbelief and I nod.

"When the man answered he said and I quote 'It's done. It is not my fault she was not killed'." Calum raises a brow and looks at me confused.

"Your father wouldn't do that."

Nodding I state. "Someone youse his phone to make it look like he did it."

"All we have to do is find out who has been in his office."

Rolling my eyes I say "That's going to be a piece of cake."

"Hey hey." Calum says pulling me tightly to his chest. He runs his fingers through my hair soothing me. "We'll figure this all out but not tonight. It's been a long day you need to get some rest.


When Calum starts to stir I close my eyes faking sleep. I didn't get any sleep last night. When someone is out to get you, you don't really want to sleep. Me I just want to figure out who is trying to kill me and who set my daddy up.

"I know you aren't sleeping." Calum mumbles and I open my eyes to see him hovering over top of me. He takes his thumb and wipes it under my eyes lightly. "You have bags really dark bags." he mumbles frowning.

"I couldn't sleep." 

Calum rolls over and sits against the head board taking me into his lap. "You should have woken me up Princess. I would have done anything to lessen your fears."  

"I'm not afraid." I state seriously "I'm angry."

"Angry?" Calum asks curiously and I nod.

"I'm going to get this dude and i'm not going to be nice. You set up my father and try to kill me. I'm way past being nice bruh. I'm going to that pack and im going to get answers. If I have to be mean that's whats going to happen."

"Andrea." Calum sighs seriously "You're not going to that pack. They were higher to kill you no doubt they will kill you when you step foot on their land."

I get out of Calums grip and go to the closet putting on some pants and a tee shirt. "I'm going Calum and your not telling me different. I want to know who put a hit out on me and I want to know who framed my father."

Running my fingers through my hair I leave the room with my mate silent. I go down to the kitchen and smile at everyone in the dining room. Mother stands and comes over to give me a hug with a big smile on her face. "I am happy you are alright baby."

I smile at her and tell her the same before daddy pulls me into a hug. "I couldn't find you last night so I didn't get my hug." he frowns and I pull back frowning with him.

"I have to talk to you later." I state and daddy nods seriously before taking his seat at the table. I sit beside Macy and smile. "I hop you weren't to shaken up after yesterday."

"I wasn't the target Drea. I'm happy your okay."

Smiling at her kindly I say "I am fine but Stacy is not."

"Stacy is actually." Jarred says and I look over at him hopefully. "His wound has started to close."

"Awesome." I cheer happily making a few people chuckle. "After the fitting ill have to go check on him."

"Has Chelsey come out yet?" I ask and everyone that knowd her shakes their heads. Rising I go into the kitchen and see her about to come out. "Chelsey." I say happily and she smiles at me. "I have a question." she motions for me to continue and I ask "Do you want to be a brides maid?"

Her eyes widen and she squeals. "Are you serious?"

"I am totally serious."

"Yes I would love to be a brides maid."

"Well go get cleaned up and meet us in the fitting room in an hour." I instruct and she rushes out of the room excited.

Breakfast is silent well to me it is anyway. I block everyone out and stair at the wall infront of me just thinking about the hit. Why would anyone want to kill me im changing the place for the better.

"Andrea!" someone says loudly and I snap my head over to see Adam giving me a confused look. "The fitting." he states and I nod coming to a stand. "Are you alright?" he ask coming to walk beside me.

"I'm good bro thanks." I mumble following everyone else to the fitting rooms.


I was going to write more but I thought I should leave it there. Soon will be the fitting rooms and some people may even get their mates!!! YAY!!!



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