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"How'd you know?" I ask shocked. "I didn't even know."

"You knew." he says with a smile. "You just didn't know what it was. I knew because I seen the way he watched you. Guards are suppose to watch their assignments but he watched you with something else in his eyes. When he walks with you he makes sure to be close and he brushes up against you making sure your still alright."

"I also noticed you. The way you looked at him every now and then when you were with your mother learning the table. They way you laugh and smile at him when he actually talks to you. I can read love and you two have an amazing love." he says smiling down at me. Then he shrugs looking all non shallot. "And the boy came to me."

"What?" I shout shocked and a little outraged. "When did this happen?"

"Yesterday while you were getting ready for your party he came to me and we had a talk."

I bring my eyebrows together and ask "What did he say?"

Daddy smiles at me and I give him a dead pan look because I don't think this is funny at all. "He was just informing me he was your mate so I didn't harm him for messing with my princess."

"MESSING WITH?" I shout because I know what that means.

"The mating process of course." daddy says calmly and I shake my head quickly.

"Oh, no, no, no, their will be no MATING." I say putting bunny ears around the word. "Until their is a ring on my finger and I have been walked down the isle by you." Sex before marriage is something I do not consent in. I was raised to be married before you did anything that was nasty and having sex is what I call doing the nasty.

"I am happy you feel this way princess but soon your wolf will take over."

In a final tone I say "Well then soon their better be a wedding. Other than that I'm not MATING with anyone."

Daddy smiles largely and pulls me into another hug. "My mother believed in God."

"Do you believe in him?" I ask very interested. If he believes in him that means my mother is the one that set the rule.

"I do believe in him. I still pray every night and thank him everyday. He has always been the center of my life and will remain the center of my life until I die."

"Who set the rule then?"

"Your mother." he sighs rubbing his head. "She believes the moon goddess is who created us."

"I believe we are demons." I mumble and daddy nods.

"That is what I was taught when I was younger and that is what I still believe. We are not ll bad creatures but some of us need to know who God is so we can strive to be like him. Our world would be much happier and stronger if we all believed." he says seriously.

"I agree have you talked to her about it?"

He nods sadly and sys "I have she doesn't listen though but when you become Queen you can do what ever with what ever you want." he says in suggestion and I nod in understanding.

"So about my MATE. What do I do? Why didn't he tell me?"

"You do what you think you should do. What your heart tells you to do." he smiles and I sigh annoyed. "As to why he didn't tell you I think he wanted to come to me first. He's a very respectable man Princess and I couldn't ask for anyone better for you."

"Well i'm happy you approve."

"Now go talk to the boy princess I'm sure he's concerned."

He stands and I stand with him giving him a hug. "Thank you daddy."

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