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Calum's head shoots up looking around. He pulls me tightly into him and I don't object. My arms go around him and I put my head in his chest when I hear the gun shots starting to be fired. I feel a chest pressed against my back and I know Jarred came to the rescue.

My eyes shift and my k-9 grow making me press further into Calum. I breath him in because its not good when I change. I havn't gotten complete control over my wolf so when she gets loose she goes crazy. I don't like killing people but she seems to believe that's the only way.

"We have to get out." I growl pressing tighter into him. I draw in his smell deeply trying to calm my wolf and it works until we hear another shot. Calum picks me up quickly and starts moving. I look up to see his face and he has the most deadly expression on I have ever seen. If I didn't think it was a little hot I would have been afraid.

As we pass by people I see someone on the floor and I gasp noticing the long black dreads. "Stop, stop, stop, stop!" I yell hitting Calums shoulder but he doesn't listen he keeps going. "Stop Cal NoNo was shot."

Calum looks down at me and then frowns before looking beside him. "What are you doing. Get her."

"Jarred." Is all he says and I look over his shoulder to see Jared behind us with a unconscious NoNo.

I sigh and lay my head against his chest. Calum pushes past people and when we get out side he keeps running until he gets to the Ferarri. He thrusts me into the back seat and gets into the driver. Jarred puts NoNo's head on my lap. When shes safely placed in he gets int he passenger seat and Calum guns it getting out of there as fast as he can.

We get to the castle in like ten minutes but the whole way there it was deadly silent. I made Jarred give me his shirt so I could press it to NoNo's wound hoping it would lessen the bleeding.

The car stops and the back door is quickly opened. Anthony sticks his head in and says "May I take her princess?"

I don't correct him because this is a serious matter so I nod my head and say "Take her to my room please." he nods and gets her out of the car hurriedly. I follow closely behind the whole way to my room.

I open the door and he lays her on my bed softly. "Do we have like a palace Dr. or something?" I ask looking at everyone expectantly.

"Casey is retrieving him." I smirk at that but look back down at my friend. They don't like being called dogs but they use the words you would use on a dog.

"I'm going to change." I mumble going into my closet. I throw my hair up in a messie bun and throw on some gray sweats and a sweater that says 'God First Bro.' on the front. When I come back out the Dr. Still isn't here. I sit on the floor beside the bed and bring my knees up resting my head on them.

After five minutes of silence I shout. "Really? She's dying." getting fed up with this mess I stand and rip the door open going to find the Doctor myself. "Finally." I mumble going back into the room when I see him and Casey coming down the hall.

NoNo's breathing is labored and she doesn't look to good. Her usually chocolate healthy skin is a sickly yellow. When the doc comes in the room he says "I am sorry princess but I am not allowed to work on anyone not in the Royal family."

I raise a brow at him in disbelief. "What ever give me your bag." I say opening my hand for him to place it in. He's hesitant for a minute until I snarl at him and he hands it over. "Get me some whisky now." I say damningly tired of being nice. Getting on the bed I straddle NoNo.

Someone leaves the room quickly and I roll my eyes opening the Dr's bag. I use to have to fix myself up all of the time when I was younger because I couldn't go to the hospital. If I did they would know I was not human because I heal way to quickly. "What kind of bullet is this?" I ask peering into the whole in her skin. It's really shiny shinier than a normal bullet.

"Silver." Cal says coming to stand beside me. "What are you going to do?"

I look up at him with an obvious look. "I'm going to dig it out." I say holding up the knife that was in the Dr.'s bag. "Then stitch it up." I say holing up the needle and thread.

"Here princess." Anthony says giving me the whisky.

"Thank you Ant." I say smiling greatly before I pop it open. I poor it over the wound and NoNo snaps up with a growl. I lean back so she gets the hint to get out of my face. Her eyes are a cool looking green blue and her k-9's are sticking out. Someone places their hand on my shoulder and I feel the familiar sparks making me shake my head. "You might want to chill." I say calmly to her wolf. "You wouldn't want to hurt the only princess."

She looks at me a moment before laying her top half back down. "Hold her down please." I say motioning for them. The all come and grab a part and I mumble "Sorry." before I take the blade to her flesh. I dig around all the while her hissing in pain. Five minutes later im all done with it all sown up and patched.

NoNo sighs relieved and puts her hand out. "Give me the whisky." she says tiredly and I give her a concerned look before putting it in her hand. "I can't even get drunk." she mumbles giving it back before she takes a sip.

Climbing of of her I pull my throw over her letting her get comfortable. "I'm going to take a shower." I mumble looking down at my clothes. "Thanks for y'alls help." I say giving the guys a grateful smile.


A constant knocking sounds on my door annoying me and I sigh wanting it to go away. Dragging myself out of the bed I go and answer the door. "Yes?" I mumble wiping my eyes to clear them.

"Dude she's good." someone says and I open my eyes to see my brothers standing there. The both pull me into a tight hug and I grunt in protest.

"Your not going out again got it." Adam says seriously and I just look at him like he's grown three heads.

"What kind of go out?"

"To a club duh." Allen says like I've lost my mind. "Why did you go to a club anyways?"

"I wanted to learn how to dance." I mumble about to fall asleep on my feet.

"Mother could have taught you that." he says clueless and Adam smacks him up side the head.

"Not that's kind stupid. Sorry Andrea he's slow. All of the time."

"Why are you up so early?" I ask looking to the clock my eyes widen when I see its only seven in the morning.

"Grandmother is still here she wanted to see you." Allen says and I sigh.

"Fine, fine ill be down." The leave and I close the door sighing loudly. After I get dressed in some blue skinnies and a black and white stripped shirt I brush my hair out and leave it down.

I look over at NoNo and smile when I see her color back and her breathing even. Happily I open the door and raise a brow when I see both men. "I thought you switched every night?"

They look over at me and Jared says "We get to leave when you are sleeping and then be back before seven."

I roll my eyes and start down the hall way to the dining room. I guess everyone would be there because they are probably serving breakfast. "So who got to sleep last night?"

"I did." Jarred says and I look over to him with a raised eyebrow. He doesn't look rested at all. "Fine, I couldn't get to sleep."

"Mhmmm. What about you Cal?"

"No." is his simple reply and I motion for him to continue. "I was guarding you."

I nod and turn back to the front. When we enter the dining room I cock my head confused when I see someone has joined us. "Grandma." I say happily going over to give her a hug.. "You wanted to see me?"

Grandma gives me a big hug and says cheerfully. "I did. I wanted us all to meet your brothers mate at once."

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