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"You have to start lessons again." My mother states as i stand in front of her in the royal room i met her in the first day.


"You take title of Queen in less than eight months Andrea and you need to know everything there is to know."

"Eight months?" i ask in disbelief with my eyes widening.

"Eight." she says seriously and i think about it for a second.

"You have to promise that when i'm around your nice to everyone no matter human or werewolf." i cross my arms and wait for her to make her decision. I will take title knowing nothing if she wants to be a stuck up brat.

She narrows her eyes at me and watches me closely for the longest time. I swear twenty minutes passes before she nods her head. "I will be sure to make nice with everyone when you are around."

Smiling largely i say "Great, when do we start?"

"Tomorrow, your grandmother is only going to be here another month and i want to get most of it done before she leaves."

"Got it." i say nodding.

"Be in the ball room at seven sharp." I sigh at this because i am not a morning person at all. "You are dismissed now hunny."

"By momma." I mumble leaving the room with out a hug or an i love you. She's different from daddy way different.

When i get into the hallways i sigh needing to just have a break. "Can we go do something?" i ask the boys. "I start boot camp tomorrow so i need to get my fun out now."

"What do you want to do?" Stacy asks me as the other two look confused.

"I don't know what's fun?" I ask excitedly really wanting to do something.

"Laser tag?" Stacy offers and Calum shoots him a dirty look.

"Ohhhhhh i wanna do that." i say excitedly and Calum sighs shaking his head.

"Stacy man."

"Sorry bro I forgot."

Interested i cock my head and ask "Forgot what?"

"Lover boy here doesn't want you doing anything where he can't be beside you." Jared says rolling his eyes.

Giving Calum a smile i say "Aww Calum that's sweet but i can take care of myself."

"I know you can but i want to know you are safe every second of the day."

"Calum." i sigh wrapping my harms around his waist. I look up at him and say "Knowing where i am everyday second of the day is not going to work because i'm going to have to do things on my own."

His hands come up to cup my face and he says "Your never going to be alone you will always have a guard."

"That's different." i mumble and he shakes his head with a smile. "What ever Cal can we go now?"

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