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The next morning i wake up to the smell of coffee and bacon my two favorite things. In the palace i'm all the way on the fifth floor so i can't smell the food in the morning. I move trying to get up but Calum is still feeling separation. All week at home he didn't let me go no matter where we went and here he still isn't letting me go. I don't have a problem with it but when i have to pee it is kinda hard.

"Cal let me go." i mumble pushing at his chest.

He grunts and flips us so he's on top of me. "Where are you going princess?" he asks seriously looking into my eyes deeply.

"I have to pee Cal." he chuckles and leaves a soft kiss on my lips before rolling off of me.

"I'm sorry." he mumble and i smile at him climbing out of his bed.

"It's fine Cal."

Calum grabs my wrist stopping me he looks me in the eye seriously and says "No princess i'm really sorry."

"Calum your fine."

"No, i'm being possessive and i know you have to be getting annoyed but i just missed you. I don't want to ever go without you for that long again."

Climbing up on the bed i take his face in between my hands and say softly "Calum i love you and your not being possessive. I love always being close to you it makes me ecstatic to have you so close all of the time. It's okay handsome if it was to much i would have told you." I kiss his lips an he tightens his hold around me keeping me in place.

We kiss a few seconds before i pull back smiling "My bladder." he chuckles and lets me go to the bathroom. When i get out he's changing into some shorts and a shirt. "Are we doing something today?"

I get some jean shorts and a pink v neck with a white bikini for underneath. I get out some black flip flops with that and braid my hair to the back and out of my face. I start changing use to the fact that Calum is in here. I'm still a little shy to see him change but I'm fine with him seeing me. I'm weird i know but that's how i feel.

"I don't know what mom has planned." he says not really paying attention. I look up cocking my head and scowl when i see him looking at me.

"You perve." I mumble throwing my night shirt at him. He catches it and throws it on the bed.

"Don't get dressed in front of me then." he walks over to me and ties my bikini when i have trouble. "Your my mate princess and your just so beautiful."

"Thank you Calum." i beam grabbing my shorts to put them on. When i get my shirt on and slip on my shoes i grab his hand and we walk downstairs.

At the top of the stairs we can hear laughing and signs of a good conversation. "Aww they are just adorable." Carrie coo's making me blush. "Are y'all hungry?" she stands and starts fixing us plates not waiting for our answers. Calum leads me to the table sitting me on his lap.

"Thanks mom." he says when she sets the plate in front of us. It's one plate full of stuff and i sigh because he must have told her he doesn't eat until i do.

"Please eat." i mumble because he makes me eat everything i want and then he eats after I'm finished. I only eat a little and then I save the rest for him. Sometimes he's not impressed with what I eat and he makes me eat more.

"When your finished." I roll my eyes at him and then close them blessing my food because God allowed it to be possible for me to eat.

"So Andrea have you talked about babies?" his mother asks and I about choke on my eggs. Calum quickly starts patting me on my back and when I swallow he sends his mother a disapproving look.

"No, ma'am we have not talked about babies."

She sits up straighter and says in all seriousness. "I think that should be on your list." she thinks about it for a minute and then her eyes widen in horror and she says "You do want babies right?"

"Yes, of course." I laugh because I don't think anyone wants as many baby's as I do. "I want six maybe eight."

Carrie smiles largely and Calum says "Eight?" In question.

"Yes eight is that okay with you?"

Calum nods but says "I was thinking more along the lines of twelve but eight is fine for right now."

Smiling largely I say "Twelve we'll have to think about that."

"Well you better get started." She says and I look back to her really amused.

"After we get married then we can start."

She frowns but smiles at the same time. "That's enough Carrie." David says coming into the kitchen with Clover and Gabe close behind looking like they could kill they are so tired. I know the feeling it has happened to me so many times.

"What David I just want grandbabies."

"Sorry Cookie she'll hound ya until you get pregnant and then again after that." David says getting himself a plate.

"It's fine really. It feels nice to get to have conversation about other things than my training." David looks over Jared before giving a nod and sitting down beside him. Jared smiles at him and David just looks before going to his food.

"Do you like living at the palace?" Clover asks and I smile.

"I like the people there."

"Yes but do you like it?" she asks not letting it go.

"Honestly no. I would much rather be working and making a living for myself than living in a huge palace and getting pampered. I grew up to work for what I had and in the palace i'm not aloud to do anything without my guards so that means no job no anything that puts me in danger."

 "So do you want to be Queen?" she asks seriously and I nod quickly.

"Yes, I would enjoy greatly being the Queen. So many people are sad and scared with the way my mother runs things and I don't like it. I want to be a new generation of Queen and I want to care about our kind and any other out there."

"Your grandmother was a great Queen." Carrie says proudly and I smile because I bet she was. "I don't know what happened to your mother though. I think all of the power ran to her head if you don't mind me saying."

"I don't mind at all." I say pushing the plate to Cal after I got all that I wanted. "She is very power hungry and thinks she is better than everyone else when God made us all in his image so we are all the same no matter poor or rich. I think she's starting to understand that. Well before I left she was trying."

"Trying?" David asks and I nod.

"I told her if she didn't treat people kindly I would not continue my training. It needed to be finished so she agreed she would be kind to people in my presence and it was working but I don't know if she will keep it up since I am gone."

"You are clever, Cookie." David praises and I look down with a slight blush. "Is there anything you are going to change when you take the throne."

"Their is a lot that I am going to change. Religion being one of them. Calum tells me you all attend church?"

"We do but its not something we talk about easily. We don't want the wrong person to hear and us be punished. "I cock my head confused about that because I will praise my God no matter if I get killed or not 'For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.' I always remember that scripture when people are ashamed.

"So you are ashamed?" I ask and they shake their heads quickly.

"We have fear." Carrie says and I nod I still don't understand why they have fear because God didn't give us a spirit of fear. I don't question them though I just nod my head because if I was not the princess I may be afraid also.

"What is the punishment for that anyways?"

Every ones silent for a minute and then they all look at each other mumbling "Death."

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