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A pounding on my door jolts me awake. I jerk and hit the ground with a loud thud. Keeping my eyes closed i groan and roll onto my back. "What?" i shout angrily.

The door opens and Jared's amused face looks down at me. "Your mother wants you down in the dining room."

I groan and lazily put my arms in the air. "Carry me?"

He shakes his head with a chuckle. "Please?" i say and close my eyes. I turn my body and snuggle into the floor.

I hear footsteps walk into the room and i know that its working. "Come on princess. She said ten minutes. It's been five."

I dont say anything and a few moments later i feel myself being lifted by strong arms. I feel a shock go through my body but my mind is to tired to register it. I snuggle into the preson's warmth and sigh in content.

"She's not a morning person." Jared says and i feel the persons chest vibrate with the chuckle.

Calum's chuckle it just makes me feel more safe. I close my eyes and go to sleep.

I swear it was a second and then i feel someone shaking me. "Go away." i grumble and snuggle into the toned body more.

"You have to wake up now princess."

I wake up when i hear my mothers demanding tone. "Andrea what are you doing?" I swear she asks me that all of the time. Does she not see that i am sleeping.

"Trying to sleep. How about you?" i ask sarcastically. I take a deep breath and grin. Calum's aftershave smell so good. He smells like mint and the woods.

"Are you smelling me?" Calum whispers huskily.

I look up at him innocently and ask "Is that weird?"

He looks down at me and our eyes lock for a second. He's all that i can see. Everything around us just disappears. The moment is ruined by my mother though.

"Get down this instant Andrea."

I sigh and swing my legs out of Calums arms.  land on the floor in a crouch because i forgot how tall he was.

I straighten up and of course she has something else to say. "What are you wearing?"

I look down at my clothes and notice what i have on. I have on superman pajama booty short. That barley pass my bum and are tight on my thighs. A white tank top thats showing off my tanned stomach and belly button ring. "Pajama's i just woke up." My cheeks threaten to heat up because their are boys in the room but i suck it up.

"Your grandmother is coming over to help us. You cannot see her wearing that." she exclaims looking over my attire with disgust.

I'm about to go off on her when someone says. "Now now Gretchen. I'm just happy to see my grand baby."

My mother looks over my shoulder and i turn around. My grandma is this woman with our eyes but her long gray hair is up in an old time big style. She doesnt llook old at all if it wasnt for her gray hair i would say that she is forty. She has on a long silk dress and heels.

When she sees me she gives a big smile. "Come here child."

I slowly walk over to her. When i stop infront of her she pulls me into a hug. "I remember when you were in diapers. Now your all groan up and wearing a bra."

I blush and pull back from her. "I've been wearing a bra for a while now."

"I bet you have look at those things. They look like watermelons." I hear chuckling and that just makes me go red.

My mouth falls open in shock and i grip my boobs looking down. "They are not that big!" I exclaim in horror.

"Thats what you think honey." she says giving my back a pat as she walks past me. I only wear a C cup so they cant be that big. I mean i would know. I think their about average.

I turn around still in shock and notice everyone looking at me. My mothers two guards are in here and mine. Then their are two more men that i assume is my grandmothers. "Quit looking at me geeze." i grab my tanktop and try to pull it up and over them but it just wont work.

I grumble and sit down beside my grandma at the table. "What am i learning?"

"Where the china sits at the table."

I look confused and ask. "Whats that have to do with being Queen?"

Grandma gives me a smile and says "You have to go to lots of dinners and banquets."


"I give up" i say and throw the fork on the table. After an hour of learning where the stupid spoons and stuff go i didnt get it yet.

I was starting to get mad so its better for me to just let it alone for a moment.

My mother has a disapproving look on her face and i just want to go off on her. I am not in the mood today first i had to get up early. The i didnt get my coffee. Dont talk to me in the mornings if i dont have any coffee.

Grandma just has a smile on her face. "It's okay dear you'll get it. It's not something you learn overnight."

I sigh and rub my eyes. "Can i have some coffee?

"MONKEY!!" My mother yells in outrage. "They should have already brought us some."

A frightened girl about fourteen comes out of the kitchen door. She's shaking and her eyes are huge. She walks over to my mother and bows. "Get us some coffee."

"Yes my Queen" The girl says quietly and rushes out. I look over to my mother with disgust. Why would you talk to someone like that? It doesnt matter if they are human or not we are all the same.

I dont like her. Now im starting to question if she is telling the truth. Did she want me to leave or did she not have a choice?

The frightened girl comes hurriedly back out with three cups on a tray. She has a coffee pitcher on their and some other things.

She sets a cup infrot of my gran and poors her some coffee. Gran gives her a small smile in thanks and takes a sugar. The girl next place a cup down on the table and my mom snaps her fingers. The girl jumps and goes to her other side to poor her coffee.

I guess thats what my mother wanted because she didnt say anything after that. By the time the girl gets to me it looks like shes about to soil herself. She sets my cup down and poors me some coffee. Before she leaves i call out to her. "What's your name sweetie?"

She looks over at my mother. I look to and notice the deadly look on her face. "It's okay honey you can tell me."

"My name is Chelsey princess."

I give her a big smile and say "My name is Andrea and thank you for the coffee Chelsey."

She gives me a small one back and bows before she leaves the room. "Your not suppose to talk to the help." Mother says rudely.

"Really? I'll talk to who i please. You on the other hand shouldnt be talking to people like they are trash. Queen or not you are no better than anyone else." I pick the napkin off of my lap throw it on the table and stand. "When you want to talk to people how they should be talked to i will resume these lessons." I look at grandma and giver her a big smile. "It was nice meeting you grandma. I hope we can do something before you leave."

With that said i walk out of the door. "Ughh.... She just irritates me." I say knowing that the boys are behind me. I may not be able to hear their footsteps but they go where ever i do so i know they are there.  "She better get her life."

"I dont think you should have done that." Jared speaks up. I turn around to look at him.

"She shouldn't have talked to Chelsey like that. She does have feelings. She deserved to hear everything i said to her."

Jared shakes his head and says "She has been like that and no one has ever said anything to her. She didnt look to happy that you did."

"She'll have to get over it. I'm going to get ready for tonight. See ya." i say and take off running down the hall.

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