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OMGlitter it is almost finished. I think there will be like two or three more chapters and then I am finished. I love this book and I love all of you for the awesome support.




Chapter 38:

"You know something." I state getting straight to the point when I walk into daddy's office.

Stan bows at me in acknowledgement and I wave for him to stand as I make my way to my fathers chair. It's just Stan and I in here because I don't know if he would talk in front of anyone else. "Please sit." I say motioning to the chair in front of my fathers desk.

Stan brings his big body into the chair and looks at the wall behind me. "I'd like to know what you know."

"I know nothing." Stan says not trying to budge.

Sighing I roll my eyes. "Look Stan im tired, people are trying to kill me and quite frankly I don't want to put up with your games. I'm tired of being nice but I also know Jesus would want me to be nice."

"I am not trying to hurt you Princess I am trying to protect you." he says seriously looking me in the eye so I can see the truth in his words.

"From who?" I ask him seriously knowing that he is not lying.

Stan looks down ashamed and says "I have been forbidden to tell."

"Forbidden?" I ask with a raised brow because the only other person that is higher than me and can forbid someone from telling me is mother. My father is King yes but my status is higher than him since only women rule over the whole kingdom. "My mother is the only one who can forbid you from telling me anything." I state and Stan nods looking down at his hands.

"Is my mother trying to hurt me?" I ask him and all I get is a shake of the head. "She knows who wants to hurt me?" I ask him and he nods. I sigh and rise. "Since you were forbidden I'll let you go but ill want to talk again." I tell him and he rises from his chair giving me a small bow before he hastily leaves the room.

I run my hands through my hair and go to the foyer where I hear happy voices coming from. Today is the day Mike, Grace, Nicky, her mate Luke and their children get in for the wedding. Two more days and I will finally be married and crowned Queen.

When I walk in I smile to see the family embracing. Grace looks over and she smiles largely when she sees me. She rushes over to me with her very full stomach and wraps me into a side hug. "Oh Lord I am so happy that you are okay."

Smiling widely at her I say "I am so happy you could make it."

"Mike likes you." she smiles and I look behind her and smile at her mate. He gives me a kind smile back and bows slightly making me frown.

"I'm the same as you." I remind him and he smiles at me coming to give me a hug. I'm surprised at first but I reply back quickly squeezing him tight. "Thank you." I whisper to him and he only nods at me with a smile.

"Princess." Nicky says coming to give me a slight hug.

"Nicky." I say cheerfully over the fact that she doesn't like me. Not everyone has to like me I just hope that they do because I didn't do anything to them. "I'm happy you came."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." she says with a fake smile making me frown.

"It's nice to see you again Luke." I say turning to him and he gives me a small smile. "These must be your baby's." I say smiling down at the little girl and boy holding onto their daddys pant leg.

"This is Melissa and Mason." Luke says introducing me to them.

"They are really beautiful." i tell him beaming and he gives me a slight smile telling me thank you.

"Would you girls like to get your dresses fitted and then we can do what ever you all want to do." I ask them and they nod. Grace nods excitedly and Nikcy just gives a slight head movement. "Nicky can i talk to you a second?" i ask sweetly and she raises a brow looking at me. "I promise it wont take long."

She looks to her mate a second and then looks back at me before slowly nodding. "See yall in the fitting rooms?"

Calum looks down at me and asks through the link 'Want me to join you.'

'I need to do this myself.' i reply back to him with a small smile. "We can go to the balconie." i say pointing to the door beside us. She nods and follows me out there closing the door behind us. I look out at the setting sun and get to the point. "Did i do something to offend you or to make you not like me?"

She doesnt say anything so i look back at her. She's looking at me curiously "I just dont like you."

I nod to that already knowing she doesn't like me. "Can you tell me why?"

Shrugging she comes over to look out at the sun set. "You have everything but you dont acknowledge it." she says and i look over to her confused. She chuckles and says seriously "You have a hung palace and you could have everything you ever wanted but you dress like you shop at the Goodwill and you act as if nun of this matters to you. Your going to be a queen but yet you dont act like it. Quite frankly i dont think you will make a good Queen."

I nod at her wide eyed respecting her because she just basically told me i should step down from being Queen. "A Queen should rule like your mother. Not caring when anyone thinks about how she rules what she does but you." she says looking over to me. "You care and thats what upsets me. We dont need someone to care about us we need someone to lead us someone to tell us what to do."

"You're wrong." i tell her seriously. "What people need is a leader and a lover. I can lead everyone and still love them. Thank of God. He loves us he gives us free will but when we go to him when we give our lives to Him he loves us with his all as he leads us. Just because im nice and i care does not mean that i will suck at being Queen i feel that will make me a better Queen. God is an awesome God because he loves us. I dont want to be God but i strive to be more like him and i want to love my people so thatdontthey will respect me and love me. I dont want to be feared and hated because that will bring nothing but pan to everyone and myself."

Nickey stays quiet and i look over at her bringing my voice softer. "I'm sorry Nickey that you feel i should nto be Queen but you wont sway my decision. I love you as a sister and as a friend but i will not rule being evil and vile i will rule how i know God would want me to." Going back to the door i say "I hop you can come to terms with that because i would really like to spend time with you. You seem like a wonderful woman and i would be honored to have you to talk to."

I leave the balconie hoping and praying that God let my words get to her. That God let show her that evilness is never the answer in any situation.

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