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Chapter 43:

Geraldine scoffs and spits out "She is of no relation to me." as im still trying to process that i have an aunt.

I had no clue here this whole time i thought that my mom was the only child and i thought that added onto her cruelty. I knew grand was always in the office and grandpa wasn't the loving type but having someone to play with always makes people happy so i didn't think she had that and here all a long she had someone.

Never had i herd my mother speak of this woman nor had i herd gran or my brother speak of her. Nor had i seen a picture around the castle to give me a little bit of a hint that i had someone out there that was related to me. That was my mothers sister nun the less.

"Since when have i had an aunt?" Still behind everyone else.

"I've always been here," Geraldine sneers at me and i raise a brow at her. "in the back ground watching as your mother takes all of the praise and when you came along i had to watch you receive what should have been mine."

I gasp and place my hand on my heart sad that this lady is the one that wanted to kill me. "Why?" i choke out and she laughs menacingly at me.

"When your mother and i were growing up i was the outcast. She was the one everyone loved and wanted to be. We were twins and i was born one minute after her but that made her the superior letting her to receive any and everything she wanted. I should have been in the spotlight i was the baby but no that didn't matter. Gretchen was to be Queen so she got all of the praise all of the love." I'm confused at the love and praise part because momma said she never got any love. "I have grown tired of being in the background so i figure why not kill you and take the thrown making myself be known."

"If you killed me you stil would not have the thrown." i state to her and her eyes narrow at me. "It would have rightfully went to Marcy. She may not be of royal blood but she is Adam's mate and as the oldest born son his mate would have received the crown."

Geraldine smirks at me and says "Ahh yes this i know. I would have killed her also and then it would have been Allen's turn. Sweet little Allen would proclaim he is not fit for the thrown and he would have given it to his loving, beautiful aunt Geraldine."

"No!' i shout shocked with a gasp looking at my brother in the first row of seats. He has his head down ashamed.

"Why!" Adam shouts with a growl. "Your my best friend and my twin Allen how could you betray me like that?"

"I HAD TO!" Allen all of a sudden yells desperate jumping up from his seat. "I had to." he whispers calming down putting his head back down in shame.

"Had to?" i ask him confused and Geraldine gives us her evil chuckle.

"Sweet little Lacy would be no more."

I look at her confused and Allen whispers "My mate, she has my mate."

A collection of gasps go through the room all of them confused because we didn't know Allen met his mate let alone someone is keeping her captive forcing him to do heir dirty deeds.

Adam growls threateningly and asks out Aunt "How could you be so low."

She gives him a snarl and Marcy and i give her a snarl of our own in warning. "To get what i want i will do anything."

"Just leave us Geraldine i didn't want it to come to this." Mother says and my head snaps to her.

"You were protecting her." i state and she nods her head. "Why?"

"She's blood." my mother says explaining. "She may not like me but i will always love her and i wanted to protect her while also protecting you." she state and i shake my head because this woman in front of all of us is a lost cause. She is so set on revenge there is no saving.

"That is why you said Stan would be no longer when you two were arguing. He wanted to tell me to expose her but you didn't want that to happen." i state and my mother nods looking down at her feet. I sigh in understanding though because if it was Adam or Allen i would want to protect them at all cost also.

"How did you do it?" i ask turning back to the crazy woman.

"It was easy really." she beams "Allen here snuck me through his window so i could place the call. He told me when your father arrives and leaves his office and when the guard was on duty. The surveillance here sucks so it was a piece of chocolate cake."

"What about Maliki?" i ask her with a growl and she cocks her head confused. "The prisoner."

"Oh him." she says snapping her fingers together. "Easy as one plus one dear. I had never left." she states and i raise a brow at her. How could nun of us had smelt her or felt her slimy presence? "Years of training." she says realizing my look. "Oh and I've come to meet many older wolves who know how to mask your scent."

I nod impressed that she knew what she was doing. Not impressed she did all of this but impressed she didn't come in here blind. Well before she didn't but today she's a sitting duck.

"Did you not care that i was your niece?"

She shaes her head with a not really look and that makes my wolf mad. I growl at her and tuns of growls echo mine my mates being the most fierce.

Before anyone know what is happening Calum shifts mid jump and lands on Geraldine ripping her throat out. A scream whips through the air and my mother falls to the ground with her head in her hands.

Daddy gets down on his knees in front of her and wraps her in his tight warm embrace whispering soothing words to her.


"Do you Andrea Marie Kingsley swear and promise to protect the well being of every werewolf in all seven continents of the world, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa ,Australia and Antarctica?" My father asks standing infront of me with a serious face but he cant mask his grin.

"I swear and promise."

"Do you swear to take into consideration everyone's feelings before you act?"

Nodding i state confidently "I swear." 

"I King of the werewolves Crown you Andrea Marie Kingsley Queen of all werewolves." Daddy puts the big crown on my head and kisses my forehead as everyone cheers for Calum and i. Daddy asked him all of the same questions but they were a little differently stated since i will be the one with the final say in all matters involving the kingdom.

After Calum killed Geraldine someone came to collect her body and clean up the mess and then the coronation continued like nothing ever happened. It was a big weight lifted off of my shoulders and everyone else's as well.

Well not mothers. She was still weeping as daddy took her to their room. She loved her sister and she wanted to try and get her back but what momma didn't understand was that her sister was two far gone.

Momma would have been the one to crown me but since she was in that sad state daddy did the whole thing and i was glad because i know he is most proud of me.

Calum swoops me into his arms making me giggle. "Lets get out of here my Queen."

I roll my eyes at him and tip his crown a little. "Lets my king."


I think that's it y'all. I want to make a book on Ilona and Evan so i don't know if i want to make an Epilog because i want the princess -Queen- to make appearances in the book. I will decide though hopefully soon and let all of you know.

Thank y'all for the wonderful support on this book y'all are amazing folks and i reckon i could not have gotten this far with out y'all & of course the big guy up stairs (GOD)!! (:



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