Misunderstood (a Fred Weasley love story)

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Have you ever felt left out because your sister got the top marks in the family and was more outgoing than you? I have, and let me tell you, you get used to it. I mean sure I wish sometimes I would’ve read all of the books before school started so I would’ve known more in classes, or stayed by my sister when she went to go looking for a kids’ toad. No, when I got on the Hogwarts’ Express I walked to the very back of the train and sat in the compartment by myself.

                When we got to Hogwarts I of course got stuck sitting in a boat with Draco Malfoy as he was sitting there talking of how he was for sure going to be in Slytherin and how he was a pureblood and anyone who was muggle born was like a pest to him. I stood up for myself and told him straight out, “ I’m a muggle born and so is my sister. If you’ve got a problem with that, don’t waste your time telling me because I don’t want to hear your pompous excuse for thinking you’re better than everyone.” Out of my family I got the big mouth.  That’s one of the reasons I don’t have any friends. Even my own sister doesn’t want to talk to me because of the things I say. During my childhood I watched as my family fawned over Hermione and I was stuck watching them because I was the youngest by like 5 minutes and therefore in my parents eyes, was dumber then my sister.

                I am now in my 3rd year and loving it so far- well as much as you can for an outcast. As of right now I’m hurrying down the hall trying to get to my potions class trying not to be late so Snape won’t have an excuse for taking any more points from Griffindor and me getting bullied by Slytherins and getting dirty looks from the kids in Griffindor because I caused more points. It’s not like I lost more points than Harry Potter in potions, he gets at least 50 points taken away every lesson. I can’t even imagine what would happen to me if I did that.

                I finally made it to the classroom and pushed through the door and rushed to my seat luckily to see Snape not in the classroom yet. ‘Thank goodness that he isn’t in here yet. That saves me maybe one beating unless I get points taken away during the lesson.’ Just as I got my table set up Snape walked in the rooms and says “ today we will be doing a more complex draught. Unless Miss. Granger decides not to pay attention and have her table explode again.” With that the class exploded with laughter and my sister sending a dirty look to me as I already felt bad for the last potions lesson last year. We were assigned to make a simple potion, a love potion. That might seem simple to some people but I struggle in potions, well all subjects really but potions is the worst. We got started on the potion and I immediately went to the cupboard and got the ingredients. I walked back to my table and got to work. When time was up my potion looked the color of the potion surprisingly. “Miss. Granger, I’ m surprised that the potion didn’t explode on you.” I instantly perked up at this. “However,” oh no! “it isn’t the correct color. You’ve failed the potion.” I walked out of the room a little happy that I almost had it right but I was upset that I failed yet another potion.

                I was walking to the common room since potions was my last lesson of the day and realized that I forgot the password to get into the common room. I got to the portrait and asked the Fat Lady if she could give the password. “I’m sorry dear but I can’t do that. What if you’re an intruder, Dumbledore told us not to trust anyone. Since Sirius Black got out. You’ll have to wait until someone lets you in.” the lady said. I sat down and waited, and waited, and waited. Finally, I heard two people coming down the hall. “That was classic! Filch never saw that coming! Good job Gred!” “You too Forge!” the two people rounded the corner and I saw it was Fred and George Weasley. “Hey! You two! Can you let me in the common room? I forgot the password.” I asked the two. “Why should we let you in? You could be a Slytherin wanting to get in here. What’s your name so we can be sure if we know you.” The one I recognized as Fred said. “Ok Fred, my name’s Elizabeth Granger. It’s not like anyone would know me, I’m like a shadow to Hogwarts and everywhere else. Even at my house.” I told them. “Fine, we’ll let you in but next time you better remember the password or some Slytherin will capture you for prey.” George said. They said the password and let me go in first then followed me. “Hey Hermione!  Tell your sister to remember the password next time! For all we know Sirius Black could come and kidnap her,” Fred told my sister. Her response was “ oh it’s not like she’ll be missed. No one pays attention to her. I’m sure you two didn’t even know who she was. Did you?” she asked, completely ignoring my existence. I just ran past the twins and up to the girls’ dormitory crying on the way up. My sister knows how I feel about being an outcast and she has at least has some friends. I only have my pet bunny Snow.

                I opened my door to the 3rd year room and jumped on my bed closing the curtain behind me and using the silencing spell. I cried myself to sleep that night.

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