chapter 2

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The next morning I woke up to see that someone used the counter curse for the silencing charm. I got up and walked to the bathroom to get ready, seeing as everyone else except for my sister was asleep. I walked in the bathroom and looked in the mirror. ‘wow, I look terrible’ I thought. My hazel eyes were red and puffy from crying and my long blond hair was knotted from tossing and turning all night.

                I finally got ready and saw that I was going to be late for DADA if I didn’t run. I already missed breakfast so it didn’t really matter if I even tried to go to the Great Hall. As I was rushing down the stairs and out of the common room I tripped and fell flat on my face right outside of the portrait. “Merlin! Are you ok? I saw you fall and wondered if you were alright.” Someone in front of me said. “thanks for worrying, no one does that. By the way, what’s your name stranger?” I asked. “I’m Ron Weasley. You look a bit like my friend Hermione. Are you two related?” I didn’t answer as I rushed by him. I don’t like being rude to people but he just made me upset. Anyone who is friends with my sister doesn’t like me.

                As I was running down the corridor, I couldn’t help but think why would someone worry about me, I was only an outcast, criticized because of my looks. Sure, I have blond hair and hazel eyes, but it’s my style that makes people turn away from me. I have what people seem to think as ‘emo’ or ‘scene’ hair. I have one dark blue streak in my hair that I use as a reminder to always be myself. I dress in band t-shirts, skinny jeans, and converse all the time because I actually want to be different from my sister a little-bit. She’s the goodie two shoes and I’m the shy girl that’s always in the corner. That’s how it’s always been and I guess it always will be that way.

                Anyway,  the door was in the sight and I looked over at a picture of a man for a second to wave when I slammed into someone. “ouch!” I yelled falling on my butt. “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to make you fall. Hey! You’re the girl from last night! Elizabeth right?” Fred said. “um, yeah, I’m Elizabeth. Sorry for running into you. I just don’t want to be beat up after lessons for loosing points.” I replied.  “Well, come find me and George and we’ll take care of those people for you ok?” Fred said while helping me up. “yeah, thanks, anyways I gotta go or else I’ll be VERY late. BYE!” I said and ran into the door of the classroom.

                “I’m sooo sorry I’m late professor. I just woke up late.” I said while rushing to the only seat left, by Hermione. That’s juust great. “It’s quite alright, um, what’s your name?” the professor said. “oh, I’m Elizabeth Granger sir.” I replied trying to be polite. “Ok. Well, welcome to DADA. I’m Professor Lupin, I will teach you things that will help you in the future against the dark arts.” Lupin said. (A/N: I’m not going to go word for word what the story says. Call me crazy but I don’t feel like grabbing my book and copy what J.K Rowling says)  I looked at Hermione and said “you know, why do you hate me so much. If anything I should be the one that hates you because of how you’re more popular than me.” She turned to look at me and said “I don’t talk to people who dress as disastrous as you. You’re nothing but a mistake. I should’ve been an only child.” And with that she turned and started paying attention again.

                There wasn’t enough time for anyone to yell at me to come back to the classroom as I was already out the door and halfway down the corridor when I slammed into someone AGAIN! “oh shoot! I’m so clumsy today!” I said to the person. “ hey, it’s okay Elizabeth. Why are you crying?” oh no. It’s Fred. He’ll probably join my sister’s side and agree with her. I quickly replied by saying “oh um it’s nothing really.” I could tell he didn’t buy it. “honestly Lizzie, can I call you that?” “sure” “okay, Lizzie, I need you to tell me what’s wrong so I can help.” I decided to chance it and said “it’s my sister. She just told me that she should’ve been an only child.” I said expecting him to laugh. Instead I had the shock of my life. Fred Weasley just hugged me. “It’s ok Lizzie. I’m here if you have any problems,” he whispered in my ear. Of course that moment had to be ruined as Hermione came out of DADA and pulled me up. “leave him alone! He obviously doesn’t want to talk to you! Go and cry yourself to sleep you looser!” she yelled at me. I couldn’t take it so I ran to the portrait, said the password, and ran up to my room with Fred yelling at me to come down. I think I made a new friend today despite all of the crap going on. I hope it will last.  

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