Chapter 8

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(A/N: Hey guys! sorry that I haven't updated for a while! I got sidetracked and I am also sorry that I forget about that talent show thingy that I put in here.)

   A few days went by after being called to Dumbledore's office and I am sitting on a rock by the Black Lake thinking of who my father is. I've been getting compliments from people that usually make fun of me about my new look. I honestly don't see that much of a difference. Sure, my hair's a little lighter blonde and my eyes are now blue, and of course the fact that I look nothing like Hermione anymore. Hermione hasn't even been bothering me for a while now which is strange because it seems like every other day she has a reason to bother me.

  Anyways, I was now thinking of how I haven't seen Sirius for a while and decided to whistle for him ( we made a special whistle for if we want to see each other). I wanted to discuss with him what Dumbledore told me. I mean, pieces of what Sirius told me fit in with what Dumbledore said and I just can't finish the whole puzzle. I also wanted to sing a few songs for him to have him decide which songs I should sing for the talent show. It seems that Dumbledore kept pushing the show back until tomorrow, I don't know why, but I guess Dumbledore has a good explanation for everything.

   After a few more minutes of waiting I heard the whistle back and walked into the Forbidden Forest and saw Sirius sitting under a tree. "Hey Sirius!" I said happily seeing one of my few best friends. "Hey Lizzie, I see you have changed quite a bit from the last time I saw you, what happened?" he retorted. I then launched into the story of the story Dumbledore told me, making sure not to leave out a single. After I finished with the story, Sirius seemed to be silent for a while. ' I wonder what's wrong with him?' I wondered. "Lizzie, I have something to tell you." Sirius said looking nervous. "OK, and you don't have to be nervous. It's only me." I said. " Well Lizzie, your full name is Elizabeth Black." Sirius said. Wait what?!?! Sirius, my best friend that I tell everything to, is my dad! "Um, dad? Can you tell me what mom is like?" I asked, trying not to make him even more nervous. He sighed before saying, "Well, you look exactly like her except you have my eyes. You're mother was very talented in the arts, which I can see has passed down to you since you are going to be in a talent show from hearing what the kids around here are saying. Now, I want to hear those songs." I nodded not saying anything because I was shocked as to how much I'm like my mother. I grabbed my guitar and started singing...

"Well I was there on the day They sold the cars for the queen And when the lights all went out We watched our lives on the screen I hate the ending myself But it started with an all right scene
It was the roar of the crowd That gave me heartache to sing It was a lie when they smiled And said, "You won't feel a thing" And as we ran from the cops We laughed so hard it would sting Yeah yeah, oh
If I'm so wrong  How can you listen all night long?  How will it matter after I'm gone? Because you never learned a God damned thing
You're just a sad song with nothing to say About a lifelong wait for a hospital stay And if you think that I'm wrong This never meant nothing to you
I spent my high school career Spit on and shoved to agree So I could watch all my heroes Sell a car on TV Bring out the old guillotine, We'll show 'em what we all mean Yeah yeah, oh
If I'm so wrong How can you listen all night long? Now will it matter long after I'm gone? Because you never learned a God damned thing
You're just a sad song with nothing to say About a lifelong wait for a hospital stay And if you think that I'm wrong This never meant nothing to you
So go, go away, just go, run away But where did you run to? And where did you hide? Go find another way, price you pay
Woah, woah, woah Woah, woah, woah
You're just a sad song with nothing to say About a lifelong wait for a hospital stay And if you think that I'm wrong This never meant nothing to you, come on
You're just a sad song with nothing to say About a lifelong wait for a hospital stay And if you think that I'm wrong This never meant nothing to you
At all, at all, at all, at all"

 I felt very nervous when singing because it's the first time I sang in front of my dad. I patiently waited for his resonce as he was silent for a while. "Well, I was right when I said you and your mother share the talent for the arts. The song was beautiful. Did you write it?" He asked. Ashamed I said, "No, I am just choosing songs that I love. I can't write a song...." It stayed silent until I heard someone calling my name, panicked, my dad and I got up quickly, said our good-byes, and walked away.

  When I got out of the forest I saw that it was Fred that was calling my name and that it was dark out. 'Wow, I've been talking to dad for that long?!?!' I thought before I heard Fred say," Come on Lizzie, it's after hours and I wouldn't want you to get a detention." On the whole way back I was thinking about my mom....


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