Chapter 27

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(Hey guys. So, this will be the last chapter for Misunderstood. I read what you guys wanted me to do and I will try and get a sequel up. If I'm not into the story anymore I will put up an epilogue that explains what happened to Fred and Elizabeth's relationship. I hope you enjoy!)

     "Where am I?" Was the first thing I asked when I woke up. "You're in the hospital wing...again." Madam P. said. "Is Hermione going to get a detention?" I asked. "I'm afraid not. For some reason she never gets caught." Madam P. said and shrugged. "That's bull crap!" I exclaimed. "They can take a look in my memories and see what happened!" At that exact moment Fred burst into the room. "You always end up catching me when I fall don't you?" I asked him. "Just doing my duty m'lady." He replied and bowed. I laughed and looked around. "Business slow lately Madam P.?" I asked. She shook her head and continued doing whatever she was doing before. "Is dinner over yet?" I asked Fred I squirmed in the bed trying to sit up. He look awkward for a minute before saying, " Lizzie, it's been a month, you were in a coma." WHAT!?!?!??!!? "D-does this mean that I missed the O.W.L's?" I asked worried. "Yeah. But don't worry! Dumbledore said that you could take them once you feel good enough. Also, Ron told me that Harry and Hermoine saved your dad from getting executed." "Wait, my dad almost died while I was in a coma?" I said and freaked out. Does this mean that I have to thank Hermione? I-I just can't! Oh merlin! I might have to spent part of the summer with her if she comes to the Burrow. "Fred, can you please keep me away from Hermione this summer?" I pleaded. "I'll try my best, love." He replied and kissed my forehead. "I-I.... never mind." I said. "What is it?" Fred asked. "Nothing, nothing at all." I replied and smiled.

     Ah, O.W.L's. I can't put into words how much I bloody hate them. I got my Transfiguration, DADA, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, and Divination done. Of course, Potions is the last O.W.L that I have to take. Oh, speaking of something that has to do with Snape, he's the one to help me with my powers, but we can't start until next year. I guess an one month coma really fucks things up. I haven't talked to anyone other than Fred for the past two days and from what I heard Ariel and George are now dating, also Kat and Lee Jordan are talking now and Fred says that they look pretty cozy. I can't help but wonder if they're mad at me for some reason. What for, I've yet to find out. I'm currently sitting in the library with Fred studying for the Potion's test and he's thinking of items to go in his and George's shop when they get out of Hogwarts. I couldn't concentrate on the potion I was studying and turned to Fred suddenly and dropped the quill that I was taking notes with. "Do you know if Kat, Ariel, and George are mad at me?" I asked anxiously. Fred chuckled and said," No love, they aren't mad. They're just worried that if they get close that you'll have an emotional breakdown." "Where did they get that from? I'm mentally stable!" I exclaimed and got shushed by the librarian. "I tried to talk to them sweetie but they didn't listen." He explained. I nodded, sighed, and said," Well it's clear that I'm not going to be focused on studying anymore. Want to go to the lake?" "Sure." Was his response.

     "Accio guitar!" I said once we reached the lake. I started strumming random chords before I started playing a song. "Mind if I sing?" I asked. "You know that I love your singing." Fred said and looked up at me from where he was laying. I smiled, took a deep breath, and closed my eyes.

"When I was younger I was certain
That I'd be fine without a queen
Just a king inside his castle
With an ocean in between
Now all I do is sit
And count the miles from you to me
Oh, calamity

We get older by the hour
Watch the changes from afar
Keep forgetting to remember
Where we've been is who we are
Now all I do is wonder
Why we ever set the scene
Oh, calamity

It's such a shame that we play strangers
No act to change what we've become
Damn, it's such a shame that we've built a wreck out of me
Oh, calamity
Oh, calamity

I'll remember nights alone
And waking up to dial tones
Always found my greatest moments
In the sound of your hello's
Now I struggle to recall
The reasons you would come to leave
Oh, calamity

It's such a shame that we play strangers
No act to change what we've become
Damn, it's such a shame that we've built a wreck out of me
Oh, calamity
Oh, calamity

If I catch you on the corner
Will you even know it's me?
Will I look familiar to you?
Do you offer me a seat?
Can we find a new beginning?
Do you turn the other cheek?
Oh, calamity

It's such a shame that we play strangers
No act to change what we've become
Damn, it's such a shame that we play strangers
No act to change what we've become
Damn, it's such a shame that we've built a wreck out of me
Oh, calamity
Oh, calamity

Oh, calamity
Come back to me"

     By the time I was done singing, I had less than fifteen minutes to get to my Potion's O.W.L. "Shit! I've got to go. I'll see you after my test, yea?" I asked as I kissed Fred's cheek. "Ok love, I'll wait for you outside Snape's classroom." He replied as I ran away. I ran as fast as I could to Snape's classroom. "I'm here Professor." I said out of breath. "I see. You might want to get in your seat. You are going to be making a Herbicide. After you're done with that I will give you the written questions. Understand?" He drawled. I nodded and took a seat.

     An hour and a half later I was finally done with the test. I never thought I would hate something as much as this. "Your results will come in over the summer." Were Snape's departing words. As I rounded the corner Fred gave me a hug and a kiss on the top of my head. "How do you think you did?" He asked. I shrugged and grabbed his hand. "I honestly don't know. For all I know I could fail." I replied. "Well, we better get to the Great Hall for the final dinner before you come to the Burrow." He said and lead me to the Great Hall. As usual, Dumbledore's speech was incredible, although it seemed to drag on a little. Harry, Ron, and Hermoine were awarded last minute points like they did every year and Griffindor won the house cup. I knew at some point that I would have to and thank Hermione for saving my dad. When Fred nudged my shoulder, I figured that it was a good time to go. I got up and made my way over to the Golden Trio. I took a deep breath and said, "Thanks for saving my dad's life you guys." Harry was the first one to speak. "No problem. After all, family has to stick together right?" I smiled and nodded. Ron just smiled at me quickly and resumed stuffing his face.Hermione ignored me the whole time.

     The train ride to Kings Cross was pretty boring, well at least for me. Fred and George were walking about projects, Lee was talking to Kat, and Ariel was listening to whatever Fred and George were saying. I, on the other hand, was staring out the window thinking about what Harry said. Well, we are kind of family. I mean my dad IS Harry's Godfather, and I heard my dad say once that Lily is my Godmother. I guess he wanted Remus to be my Godfather because he promised James to a boy. I sighed and I guess I got Fred's attention. "What's the matter?" He asked me. I shook my head and said, "Just thinking." He nodded and went back to talking with George.

     When we got to the train station Mrs. Weasley greeted me with one of her famous hugs. "Oh I'm so glad that you're ok Elizabeth." She gushed as she let go of me. "I'm glad I am too." I replied and smiled. "Alright Weasleys and Friends or girlfriends, partner up and climb into a fireplace!" Mrs. Weasley announced and grabbed Ginny's hand. Fred grabbed my hand and said, "Ready to go partner?" I nodded and we climbed into the fireplace. "The Burrow!" WHOOSH! We tumbled out of the fireplace and I landed on top of Fred. I tried to get up but he held me down. "Fred please let me go." I begged. "No." Was his response. I leaned down and whispered in his ear, "You better let go or I'll make this very awkward for you." I put a little pressure on his groin and his face got red. "Ok I'll let you go." He said. I jumped up and pulled him up with me. "Gather around everyone!" Mrs. Weasley said and we all took a seat  in the living room. "We have some exciting news....we're going to the Quidditch World Cup this summer!" She announced. Everyone started cheering. I can just tell that this summer is going to be interesting. After all, I'm not as misunderstood as I thought I was.

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