Chapter 7

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Saturday I was cherishing my weekend when a first year ran up to me and said, “ Professor Dumbledore wants to see you in his office immediately.” The kid then handed me a paper and ran away. The paper said something about liking a certain candy, something like lemon drops? Oh well.

                I walked to the place where Dumbledore’s office is supposed to be, but the only thing I saw was a gargoyle. I’ve never been by his office so I was just standing there like an idiot until Fred walked by. “Oi, Fred! Do you know how to get into Dumbledore’s office?” I asked. “Yeah, so you have a piece of paper that was given to you?” he asked. I handed him the piece of paper. Right after I did that, he did the weirdest thing, he walked up to the gargoyle and said the two words at the bottom of the paper! That wasn’t even the weirdest part though! The gargoyle moved out of the way to stairs that I guess lead up to Dumbledore’s office. Fred must have seen the look on my face when he turned around because he said, “What? Have you not seen magic before? I thought you’re a witch.” “I am Fred, I just didn’t know that’s what you had to do to get in the office. By the way, do you want to come up to the office with me?” I asked. “Sure, I don’t see why not.” Was his reply as we started walking up the stairs.

                At the top, I saw a door and knocked on it thinking it must lead to Dumbledore’s office. “Come in!” I heard the Professor say. Fred and I walked in and Dumbledore looked curious as to why Fred was here. “Miss. Granger, why did you bring Mr. Weasley with you?” he asked. “Well sir, it’s my first time coming up here and I was kind of scared and Fred happened to walk by so I asked him to tag along.” I explained. “Ok. I have no problem with that as I have heard people saying how close you two are.” When Dumbledore finished saying this I had a blush on my face that was the color of Fred’s hair.

                “Ok, time to get down to business.” Dumbledore said. “Elizabeth, I have something very important to tell you. Do you ever wonder why your hair is blond and your sister’s is brown? Or why your eyes are hazel, wait, yes I suppose I did choose the right time to say this, or why you’re eyes are, now, blue?” he asked. Well, yes I always did wonder that, but I didn’t answer Dumbledore with that much except for a nod. I looked over to Fred and he was looking at my eyes. What? My eyes are as ha- wait, didn’t Dumbledore just say my eyes are blue? Oh no. “Well Elizabeth, I have something to tell you. You are adopted. I put a spell on you to make you look like Hermione and to make you look younger.” Dumbledore said. “Wait sir, what do you mean “to look younger” isn’t she the same age as Hermione?” Fred interjected. “Well Mr. Weasley, I was getting to that. You see, I had to put the spell on you to make you look younger because if I didn’t, you would be older than your twin and everyone would know it’s false. You are really 15. Ah yes, you now look like the respective age. You’re um, “parents” were also put under a spell to accept you into your home. This was all for your safety.

                Your parents were, and still are, one of the greatest people I know. They both were Griffindors. Your father was even expected to be a Slytherin because of his family. Sadly, your mother died the same night as James and Lily Potter died. No one knew about it because she died in a forest by Voldemort just hours before her went to the Potter’s house. Now you’re father is a different story. He was angry at the secret keeper of the Potter’s for giving them away to Voldemort. He went to search for the secret keeper, his name was Peter Pettigrew, a great friend of your father’s and the Potter’s. Anyway, your father finally found him and was going to kill him, in the heat of the moment, Peter cut off his pinkie finger, and transformed into his Anamagus (sp?) and fled the scene, leaving your father to be framed of killing twelve to thirteen muggles and for the murder of Peter Pettigrew. Your father was put into Azkaban and you were brought to the Granger’s house.” After Dumbledore was done explaining this, I ran out of the room and to the Astronomy Tower to think one last thing before I fell asleep. ‘Who is my father?’

(sorry this isn’t that great guys, I didn’t want to add the new characters in yet because I still need more and I needed to put this is sooo yup. Oh and by the way the spot for George’s girlfriend is taken. BYE!)

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