Chapter 11

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"Fred, I just don't know. I mean, I've never pranked before." I said while Fred and I were hiding behind a suit of armour. George wasn't able to come with us since he's hanging out with Ariel. If you ask me, I'd say that Georgie boy has a little crush

Anyway, for the past 15 minutes Fred has been trying to get me to prank Filch. I'm not that comfortable with it so I suggested that I just watch for the first time. Fred, of course, isn't listening and decides to shove a handful of Dung bombs in my hand and pushes me out into the hallway. Would've been nice to have a few pointers before I get shoved into something I don't know about.

I stood there thinking of how I could do this for a few minutes. Finally an idea popped into my head. Why not prank the pranker? I threw a dung bomb behind the suit of armour and started running because I didn't want to stick around for the effects. not even a minute later I hear Fred yell, " ELIZABETH BLACK GET YOUR ARSE BACK HERE!!!" I guess I'm not that bad after all.

I rounded a corner and bumped into someone. I looked up and saw it was George. "Hey George so you by chance know somewhere that I can hide from your twin?" I asked. "What did you do?" he asked honestly curious. "Well, I might've-" "gotcha" Fred whispered in my ear after picking me up. "Eew Fred! You stink!" I said. "Let me guess, you threw a dung bomb at my dear brother here and he came after you." George said. "Basically." I said. "Now if you excuse us, my dear brother, I have to get my revenge on little miss Black here." Fred said to George and started walking off with me still in his arms.

Fred has been walking around the castle for a whole and I'm starting to get really scared. " Um Fred, where are you taking me?" I asked. "Its a surprise." was all that he said. waiting this long has let my mind wonder. What if Fred took me to the lake and threw me in for the squid to raise me? The squid could be like my mentor and I could grow the amount of leg like things they have and instead if the look they have they could be made out of licorice wands! I could eat my freaking legs! Unfortunately I couldn't get further in my thoughts Fred put me on my feet and I fell because I wasn't prepared...

"So what's your revenge?" I asked. "Hmmm, I don't know yet, I'll let you know when I think if it." he said. We sat there in silence, not an awkward silence, but a comfortable one. Kat broke it by running over and yelling to us, " THE FAT LADY HAS BEEN ATTACKED!!!!!"

I freaking in knew this day wasn't going to end well.

(A/N hey guys! I'm sorry this chapter is kind of short but its almost 1:30 in the morning and I'm on my kindle typing this so I've had many times to where I've wanted to throw this thing out the window. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it!!!!)

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