chaper 3

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                “hey! Dummy! Get up someone’s yelling for you downstairs!” one of my roommates told me not so politely. “ok, ok I’m going.” I replied. I got dressed in a Black Veil Brides t-shirt, purple skinny jeans, and a pair of knee high converse that were black with studs. I ran down the stair to be tackled by no other than Fred Weasley. “FREDRICK WEASLEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING!?!?!?” I yelled at him, though it didn’t sound like a yell because it was muffled by his chest. “well, I’m giving my bestest friend a flying hug.” He replied matter-of-factly. “well then Mr. Weasley, would you mind getting off of me?” I said. “no thanks, I’m pretty comfy.” He replied. “Fred, honestly, please get off of me. You’re a lot heavier than me and you having all of that muscle doesn’t help” I blushed while saying the last part. Unfortunately he got up fast enough to see my blush, “aww you’re blushing love.” He said, that just made me blush more. My face is probably the color as his hair right now. “so, anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me and Georgie boy this weekend.” He asked. “umm, sure, how did you know I had my permission slip signed?” I asked him. “ Honestly Lizzie, do you know me at all? I swiped the list from Filch this morning and saw your name.” Fred said careful not to mention Hermione. “I figured it has something to do with Filch. Now, how do you feel on giving me a piggy back ride to the Great Hall?” I asked. “Sure, love, hop on” he said and bent down. I climbed on his back and yelled “ONWARD HORSIE!” I think this is the most fun I’ve had so far in my entire history of going to Hogwarts, granted it’s only my 3rd year but still, that’s a lot. And it’s all thanks to a special Weasley.

                As we were walking, well Fred walking, to the great hall, Fred asked me, “Lizzie, what is that on your shirt?” “Oh, the shirt? Well it’s a muggle band named Black Veil Brides. They’ve helped me understand to be myself no matter what.” I replied. The rest of the walk was silent, I hope I didn’t scare my first friend off ‘maybe it could be more’ I thought. Wait, no! What am I thinking? Fred and I are just friends, I don’t feel anything for him. ‘Or do I?’ I thought. I felt myself being put down on something and I looked up to see that we were in the Great Hall now. “Elizabeth did you hear me?” I heard someone say, it couldn’t of been Fred because he always calls me Lizzie. “Sorry, what did you say?” I asked the person. “I said Mum and Dad told you not to go home for Christmas this year because they will have guests. They told me that they don’t want an Emo pest running around there.” Hermione told me. “Are you going?” I asked. “Well of course I’m going. And if anyone asks where you are I will tell them that Mum and Dad sent you to a Military School because we couldn’t deal with your attitude anymore.” She said matter-of-factly. ‘Why does she always have to put me down when I start to feel better?’ I thought. “um, Fred, I’m just going to go to the Common Room. I’m not hungry anymore.” I told him. ‘Why is it every time that something good happens- no even bad- she always has to make it worse? Maybe I shouldn’t go home this year at all. I’ll ask Fred if I can stay with him for the summer.’ I thought as walking out the front door and to the grounds. I know I told Fred that I was going to the Common Room, but he would follow me and make sure I was okay- not that I had any problem with that.

                I started walking into the Forbidden Forest when I heard a weird noise. “Hello? Is anyone there?” I called out. All of a sudden a black dog appeared in front of me. “Hey boy, are you lost?” I asked. The dog shook it head- wait! It shook it’s head! I know I’m not good at transfiguration, but I know that this dog is and Amimagus. “Okay, I know what you are, I won’t tell anyone. Please transform!” I pleaded. The dog waited a minute, I think he was weighing out the options. He finally transformed and I saw that it was Sirius Black. “Okay, please don’t freak out and turn me in! I’ll tell you the whole story of why I’m innocent. So basically, Sirius told James and Lily to not have him be their secret keeper and to have Peter Pettigrew be it instead. Pettigrew sold them out to Voldie and Voldie hunted them down, killing James and Lily, but Harry survived. Sirius hunted down Pettigrew to kill him and Pettigrew faked his own death and framed Sirius. Meanwhile Pettigrew is Ron Weasley’s rat. Not freaky at all right? Luckily, I believed him and we started talking about things. Sirius asked me how Harry was doing and I told him that I don’t know, he’s a friend of my sister’s, and told him not to try and find my sister because she will SURELY turn him in. So basically, today was a very eventful day, I’m now friends with a “murderer”.

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