Chapter 24

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(Hey guys! I'm sorry it took so long for me to update! I guess it's a good way to start off the new year right? No? Okay then...... So anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter!!!!!)

     I honestly don't know what to say. I know that when Harry dreams something, it comes true sometimes, but I'm just so confused. There is no way my dad and I would meet in the Shrieking Shack,  especially after I told him how Fred and George make frequent visits there. Of course, dad wouldn't mind if Fred was there, but George still doesn't know and I don't think it would be a good idea to tell him. I do trust George, don't get me wrong, but in this situation I only want Fred to know. "Lizzie? Are you paying attention? Dumbledore just went to his office and you told me that you have stuff to tell him." Kat said. "Oh, yeah, thanks! Fred can you please come with me? I'll probably need your help with this one." I said and got up from the table. "Sure, love." Fred said and followed me out of the Great Hall.

     When we got to the statue of the gargoyle I was freaking out. "What's the password Fred?" I asked him. "I don't know, you haven't given me enough time to figure it out." He replied. "What are you two doing here?" Snape drawled. "It's between us and Dumbledore, Snape." I said. "It's professor and unless you tell me what you need to discuss with the Headmaster, you might want to get comfortable to wait for him to come down." He sneered. "There will be no need for that, Severus." Dumbledore said. I smirked and waved bye to Snape and turned to Dumbledore. "Can Fred and I talk to you about a few things, sir?" I asked. "Of course. I'm assuming that Mr. Weasley is here for moral support?" Professor Dumbledore guessed. "Yes sir." Fred said and followed the professor and me up the spiral stairs that led to his office. "What would you like to talk to me about Miss. Black?" Dumbledore asked. "Well sir, the first thing is about this concert that is next Friday. It's in London and it's for muggle bands. It would be Kat, me, and possibly Fred if he wants to go." I said. "Hmm... I suppose you can go if you have a wizard or witch over seventeen with you AND you have your paren's permission. You might want to mention this to your father when you talk to him next." He said. How did he know about me seeing my dad? Better yet, why hasn't he turned us in yet? "Yes sir. The next, and last, thing is about my training. My powers are getting stronger everyday and I know I will need to get started as soon as possible." I explained. "I think for this matter your mother will have to discuss with you. Now, it's getting late and you two have classes tomorrow. Good night." Dumbledore said and led us out of his office.

     All the way up to the common room I was thinking about what Dumbledore said. How is mom supposed to come to me for that? "Love, we're here." Fred said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded and gave him a hug good night. I walked up to my dorm and changed into my jammies. I crawled into bed and fell asleep immediately.

     "Mom? Mom where are you?" I asked. I was walking down a set of pure white stairs that led to a HUGE room. "I'm over here Elizabeth." She said. I was so shocked to hear her voice that I fell the rest of the way down the stairs. "Owwwwwwww!" I whined and got up. My butt really hurts! "Stop rubbing your butt Elizabeth." Woops. " You do know why I came to you in your dream right?" She asked. "Is it because Dumbledore said that I needed to talk to you about my training?" I responded. "Correct. Now, I've been watching you over the holiday and I see that your powers are growing rapidly. The only way for you to be able to control your powers is to start training soon. People are going to want to use you for your powers, Elizabeth. Be. Careful. People you think have your back might turn on you in the end and the person that you think doesn't have your back will. I know that might be confusing, but just remember those words." Mom said. "Have you been taking lessons from Dumbledore? You sound a lot like him!" I exclaimed. " Elizabeth Marie Black! Do you understand what I'm telling you? I don't need you joking around like your father does!" She said angrily. "Ok, I'm sorry mom. I know that I have to watch my back. It's kind of a given when your dad is 'Sirius Black; the guy who have the Potters away and the guy that murdered a dozon muggles and one of his best mates.'" I sadly said. If I could get my hands on a time turner and go back to that damned day then my life wouldn't be like it was. Oh well, nothing I can really do about it..... "Sweetie, our time is running out. I can only tell you to be prepared for who your trainer is going to be. I love you!" "I love you too mom!!"

          I woke up shaking. For as long as I remember I have not had a dream to where I woke up shaking. I got out of bed and ran down to the common room. I looked around for Fred, but I only saw first years giggling about how bad they were for staying up this late. What time is it anyways? I looked at the clock and it was midnight. I glanced at the first years again and they were asleep, figures. The stairs to the boys dorms look promising, so I ran up them. I looked around until I saw the fifth year dorm. I opened the door and walked in to see three beds. Okay, so there is a chance that I could end up in Lee's bed, that would be real fun to explain to Kat and Fred. I could also end up in George's bed, that would also be hard to explain to Ariel and Fred. I tip-toed around the room and I saw Fred sitting up in his bed staring at me. "What are you doing here Lizzie?" He whispered. "I got scared so I came up here." I whispered back awkwardly. Fred motioned for me to climb into bed with him and I didn't object. I snuggled up to him and fell into a dreamless sleep.

     "Shhhhh! You might wake them up!" Someone whisper yelled. "Well I'm sorry but they're just so cute." Another person squealed. I groaned and sat up. "What do you guys think you're doing?" I asked. "You and Fred are so cute wen sleeping." Kat said. "Please tell me that you didn't take any pictures!" I begged. Ariel smirked. "Oh, we've got plenty of them." She said happily. I glared at her and was getting ready to lunge at her, but Fred started moving. He sat up and looked at my angry face. " What's wrong, Love?" He asked. " They took pictures of us!" I said accusingly to Kat, Ariel, and George. "In my defense I only let them in and told them to be quiet because you two were asleep." George said. "George, YOU are the one who let them in and YOU told them that we were asleep. You're in BIG trouble!!!!" I said angrily. "Calm down, love. We can get him when he least expects it." Fred whispered in my ear. I giggled and looked at George. "Yeah, I'm just going to leave aaaaand." George said looking around the room. "Check on Ron."  Ariel and Kat yelled "Wait for me!" and ran out after him. I started to go back to sleep but Fred stopped me. "We have classes today." He said. I groaned and got out of bed. "Well, what classes do you have today?" I asked. "Double potions, Defense, and then free the rest of the day." He said. "I have free period, Defense, and then free the rest of the day too." I said happily. That is weird though, only having one class today with the OWLs coming up soon. Fred groaned, got up, and started getting dressed. Holy Quidditch! I guess being a beater for four years really does the body justice. "Like what you see?" He asked. I nodded and looked away. "Tell me when you're dressed." I said. "I'm dressed." He said and I turned around. "Dammit Fred! You lied!" I shouted and turned away blushing. He's in his fucking boxers! Does he like to test me? "I'm going to go get dressed." I said and left the dorm.

    I was walking outside the castle when a dog ran up to me. I crouched down and said, " Not now dad, I have DADA in fifteen minutes. After class is over Fred and I will come down, okay? We both have free periods." "Why isn't he here now?" He asked in a low voice. "He has double potions." I answered. Dad started barking with laughter. "Poor guy. Oh well, I'll see you in about a half an hour." He said. I looked around me to see if anyone was around. "Ok dad. I love you." "I love you too sweety." He said before running off into the forest.

     "Where were you?" Fred asked me as I took a seat next to him in DADA. "I was talking to my dad. He said that he wants to see the both of us after class is over." I whispered back. Right when Fred was getting ready to speak Professor Lupin came into the room. "Today we are going to learn about unicorns. Now, everyone stick to your partner and we're off." He exclaimed and led us out of the room and to the forest. I tapped Fred on the arm when we were outside and asked, "My dad is in the forest, what if we see him?" "Don't worry. He will probably notice the other people and not come near us." He replied. I was about to reply when I heard a bark and a black dog came running towards us. Dammit what are we going to do now!

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