Chapter 16

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     "What is it you would like to talk to me about Elizabeth?" Dumbledore asked as he sat down in the chair beside me. "Well, while I was asleep, I had a dream about my mother. She came to talk to me and told me about these powers I had, she told me that I had the choice to control an element, or if I wanted to, all of them." I explained. "Yes, I can believe that. When your mother was your age she came to me to talk about the powers that she was developing and that she needed help to control them. But, she never mentioned controlling all of them. I guess it was because once I told her about the earth element that she was hooked on that one. Now, why is it that you are considering all of them?" he said. " I want a challenge." I said. " I want to push myself to be able to do this. I also couldn't decide which one I liked more. Fire is great, but so is water. And earth and air are so much alike also. I know I won't be able to choose just one." "I see. Well, you have the determination of both your mother and father combined Elizabeth. Your mother was stubborn and your father was very determined." he said. "Now, since the professors are different than when your mother went to school, we will have to find you a different teacher, one who will be able to teach you all of the elements." It was quite for a moment before Dumbledore said, " I will ask Professor Snape to teach you the lessons. I am sure he will full fill the duty of teaching you of the elements." "Yes sir." I said. Dumbledore nodded and then said that he would owl me a time for my lessons and said goodbye.

    Madam Pomfrey came back into the room shortly after Professor Dumbledore left and told me that I will have to be watched for the next few months so I won't do anything to harm myself. "Madam Pomfrey, I know someone, or more than one person, that can help me with this." I said while smiling. She sighed and nodded "I will allow it." She said. I started doing a happy dance in bed." But." DANG IT! " I do not want Miss. Granger near you. Never once while I worked here have I seen someone bullied to the extent where they want to kill themselves. I don't care if her grades are good or not, she shouldn't be doing it. Now, you are free to go." She said and handed me a potion. I really hope this one tastes good. I opened it up and smelled it. IT SMELLED SO VILE THAT EVEN VOLDIE WOULD BE ABLE TO SMELL IT, AND HE HAS NO NOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!  I shrugged and downed the whole thing. Man that tasted good!!!!!!!!! It tasted like strawberries!

     I started to walk out of the infirmary when I fell flat on my butt. I heard Madam Pomfrey chuckle and tell me " You're still weak so I'm going to have to get someone to carry you for the next few days since we ran out of wheel chairs." She said. I nodded and she left to go find someone. I sat hopelessly on the floor for a few minutes before an idea popped into my head. Why don't I roll around on the floor until Madam Pomfrey gets back with the person? I lyed down and got ready to roll over but when I tried I just stayed in one place. Why can't I even roll around! I was still trying when Madam Pomfrey got back with the person. "Miss. Black, why are you attempting to roll around on the floor?" She asked. " I was bored and I couldn't move so this was my entertainment." I said while still trying to roll over. I heard someone chuckling and I turned my head to see Fred looking at me with an amused face. "Do you find this amusing?" I asked. " Yes I do." He replied. Madam Pomfrey turned around and looked at us. "You are free to go now Miss. Black. While it was enjoyable having you in here, I hope to not see you in here again in the future." She said and walked into her office. "Shall we go my lady?" Fred asked. "Sure, but in case you had any plans for the next few days I guess you'll be bringing me along with you. Oh, and I'm hungry." I said the last part with puppy dog eyes. Fred tried to look away but couldn't. "Fine, you're just lucky that I was on my way to the Great Hall when Madam Pomfrey came and got me." He said and picked me up bridal style.

     As Fred walked to the Great Hall we talked for a while about little things until one particular question came up. " Lizzie, I like this girl a lot, but I don't know if she liked me back. What should I do?" Fred asked. I thought for a minute then replied, " I say think of a way to ask her, or if you don't want to face rejection just in case, ask one of her friends to get it out of her for you." I said. Fred nodded and opened the doors to the Great Hall with one hand while still holding me. He walked in and all eyes were on us. I blushed and buried my face in Fred's chest out of embarrassment. "Oi, what are you people looking at?" He said and started walking over to the Griffindor table. I started eating like I haven't in days, well technically I haven't because the only thing that I've been having is potions. Fred, George, Kat, Ariel and Lee were staring at me like I was crazy. "What? I haven't eaten real food in days." I said defensively. They shrugged and went back to eating.

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