Chapter 12

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( Hey guys! I'm sooo sorry if I messed up on the Fat Lady thing in the last chapter. I hope you enjoy this one!)

     I can't believe this, I'm laying down in a sleeping bag in the middle of the Great Hall because my father supposedly attacked the Fat Lady. Yes, I did say supposedly. I know my father is innocent and that if he did try to get in then it was because he wants to get rid of Pettigrew, not any of the students here. 

    I can guess it was well over midnight and Fred, George, Kat, Ariel and Lee fell asleep long before now. The last person out of them that was awake was Fred and I think he stayed awake that long just so he would make sure I'm safe. Okay, I think this crush is taking over my mind. Of course Fred was still awake because of the shock of the Fat Lady being attacked, this has nothing to do with me. Get. Over. It. Elizabeth. Fred doesn't like you more than a friend, probably no one does since I decided to go by my father's last name ever since I found out. Come to think of it, I haven't tried to talk to Hermione since this whole incident.  It's too late now, I guess I better get to sleep.


      The next morning I woke up to two hyper girls poking my face. "Get away or I'll Avada Kadavera your arses." I grumbled while turning to face away from them. Unluckily for me, Fred slept next to me last night and my head ended up laying on his chest. 'Too tired. Can't move.' Was the last thing I thought before I fell asleep again.

    "Lizzie, wake up." I heard someone whisper in my ear. Wait, that didn't sound like Kat or Ariel. That's defiantly not Lee or George. Shit., it's Fred. I shot up from his chest and said "Merlin, I'm sorry Fred, that must've been uncomfortable for you." "I was actually pretty comfy if I do say so myself." he said and I blushed but tried to hide it. "Awww, is someone blushing?" Fred said while turning my face towards him. I tried to look down but he had a good grip. Now is the time where I really hate that he plays Quidditch.

   After I tried to get out of his grip for about fifteen minutes I finally gave up and just sat there looking at his face. This gave me time to really study it and I saw a few differences in him and George. For example, Fred has more of a round face where George's is longer. George's nose has a bump in it and Fred's doesn't. I was lost in my thoughts when Fred asked me if I was okay. "Yeah, I'm fine, by the way, when can we get out of here . Only the Griffindors are in here." I said. "Dumbledore is trying to get someone to replace the Fat Lady until she calms down, which could be quite sometime. I'm guessing their not having any luck because they have been gone for an hour." he replied. "Perfect. That gives me time to talk to Hermione." I said and walked over to where Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting there talking.

     "Hey Hermione, I was wondering if I could talk to you." I said. "I guess." she said and got up to walk with me to a corner in the Great Hall where no one was. "Listen, I know you didn't like me when we were sisters, and you probably still don't like me, but I just wanted to know if we can put the past beside us and become friends. You don't even have to deal with me anymore at home since I'm going to be living somewhere else." I said hoping she would agree. "I'll have to think about it. I'm not sure yet. It's hard to just forget about everything." she replied. "I only have one more question for you." I said.  "Okay, ask away." She replied. "Why do you not like me?" I asked.

(Okay, I'm sorry if this chapter is suckish or is too short or whatever. I'm hoping to have another chapter up for you guys soon. I've also noticed that I don't have that many details that happened in the book in here and I'm sorry for that. Hopefully if there is a sequel (and I'm not saying there will be) that I will add more that was in the story in that one. Well, BYE!!!!!!!)

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