chapter 5

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It was finally Hogsmeade weekend and I was looking forward to going with Fred and George. I haven't talked to George that much, whenever I'm with Fred he isn't there. Hopefully, I get to talk to him and become friends. Man, I hope I didn't sound desperate for friends, I mean, I'm only friends with Sirius and Fred, and my sister makes it impossible to make any new friends.

I was walking down a random corridor, when I heard a someone shouting at me. "Hey! Mudblood! Weasel is looking for you!" I heard Malfoy yell. "Malfoy, why are you telling me this?" I asked. "Well if you must know, father told me to take pity on the less fortunate. So, therefore, I am helping Weasel, who is dirt poor, find you, who is, well, a Mudblood." He told me. "Well Malfoy, where is he?" I asked completely ignoring what he said. "He's by the entrance waiting for you." I didn't even say anything to you as I ran down the corridor to meet Fred and George.

When I finally got there, Fred had his back turned to me and George was facing me. George saw me and I put a finger to my lips to tell him to be quite, he nodded and was making conversation with Fred. "Well George you will get to know her better the longer you hang out with her I" Fred didn't get to finish his sentence because I jumped on his back. He almost lost his balance at the sudden weight. George started laughing because of the look on Fred's face. "So guys, where are we going first since you know the place better than me?" I asked them as they began walking, Fred not letting me off of his back. "Well Lizzie, we are going to go to Zonko's then we are going to go to Honeydukes, then we'll go to The Three Broomsticks to get butterbeer. After that, we'll be going to The Shrieking Shack to let you experience it." Fred said. "Ok. Just as long as you two don't loose me." I told them. "Don't worry Elizabeth, we won't loose you. By the way, can I call you Lizzie too? I mean it's a mouthful to say "Elizabeth" all the time." George said. "Sure, but be warned, only my friends can call me Lizzie." I said. "I think I can handle it." George said. The rest of the walk to Hogsmeade was filled with talking, as all of us always had things to say.

By the time we got to Hogsmeade, it was packed with students. When I saw I full it was, I tightened my grip on Fred a little more. "Woah Lizzie, I won't let you go. If anyone tries to take you me and Georgie will take care of them." Fred told me. "Yeah Lizzie, we don't want our other sister to be taken." George said. In that little time it took to walk to Hogsmeade, George and I became very close, not as close as Fred and I, but still close. "Okay, let's go to Zonko's!" Fred cheered. We, and by we I mean Fred and George as I was still on Fred's back, walked into Zonko's. "Lizzie, this is where we get most of our pranking things from. We come here so often that all of the workers know us, and if they're new, they will know us in no time." George told me. We walked all around the shop and Fred and George even convinced me to buy a couple of Dung Bombs.

After Zonko's, we headed over to Honeydukes. It was like heaven for me; I love candy and anytime anyone offers me any I will take it. I guess that's a bad thing when strangers are around. Wait, but if we aren't aloud to take candy from strangers, then why can we on Halloween? It's like all of the Predator's will be out offering candy to children and then kidnapping them. Now I'm scared to go trick-or-treating! I guess I was in deep thought because I didn't realize that we left Honeydukes and went to The Three Broomsticks. "Lizzie, be prepared to taste possibly the best drink you've ever had." Fred and George said to me at the same time. I've got to admit, I was kind of freaked out because I've never heard twins talk at the same time. I must of showed my shock on my face because Fred and George started laughing at me because of how shocked I was. "Oh Lizzie, you are going to have to get used to this if you are going to hang out with us all the time." Fred said. "I-I know, it's just I've never heard twins talk at the same time and I was a little shocked." "a little! I guess you didn't see the look in your face! You looked like you just saw You-Know-Who!" George said while laughing at me. "Don't worry Lizzie, we don't talk together as often as most twins do." The boys said. I have them a look that said "really?" and they just looked at each other. At that time Madam Rosmerta walked up to us with our drinks. We all said thanks at the same time. All of a sudden Fred and George were staring at me. "What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked them. "No, we're waiting for you to take a sip." Fred replied. I didn't say anything back as I took a sip from the butterbeer. My face lit up right when I swallowed and I said, "that tastes awesome!" I exclaimed.

We finished our drinks and walked back to the school joking the whole time. Not a once did the thought of my sister run through my head.

(A/N: By the way all of the things J.K. Rowling came up with is all hers. I don't own it. And also, I won't post another chapter until i get at least one comment. I don't know if many people are reading this so I just wanted to make sure. BYE!)

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