chapter 6

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Well, a week went by since the first Hogsmeade trip with Fred and George. This week was filled with events, although they aren’t very fun events. Let’s recap shall we?

                On Sunday, Malfoy came up with his goons and started chasing me. I only was safe when I ran into Sirius when he was in his dog form and he scared them away. After that, Malfoy wouldn’t come within an inch from me. I guess it was a good thing, but I was getting lonely from the lack of bullying. I guess you can say I grew used to it over the years since nobody really liked me.

                On Monday, I was late to all of my classes and missed lunch and dinner because of the torture from the students for not making it to classes on time. Then, I got scolded from every teacher and even got detention from Snape. His exact words were, “ Well Granger, looks like you will be spending the weekend cleaning my office with Mr. and Mr. Weasley.” I was at least happy that Fred and George had detention with me because I didn’t want to be in Snape’s office by myself. If the classroom didn’t scare me before when there was people in it, imagine how it would be if there was no one in there! Creepy, I know!

                 On Tuesday, Fred, George, and I were walking down the corridor when Harry, Ron, and my sister came running down the hallway. Now, I don’t think I was properly introduced to Harry, or if I was even introduced at all. But anyway, all of them came barreling down the hallway and just guess who bumped into me? Yup, it was my sister, “watch it you filthy piece of trash! I can’t believe you stood in my way while I was in a hurry! I wish you were dead!” she yelled at me and ran away. After that, I was depressed for the rest of the day and even Fred and George couldn’t cheer me up.

                On Wednesday, I didn’t go to classes and I stayed in Fred and George’s dorm even though they weren’t in there because they said that they didn’t want my sister to come into our dorm and start yelling at me and making me dive even deeper down into depression.  When classes were over, Fred and George came into the room and persuaded me to go to dinner with them because I didn’t eat breakfast and lunch. As we walked into the Great Hall, I was pelted with water balloons and paint fell from the ceiling and covered me from head to toe. I heard everyone laughing except for Fred, George, Ron, Harry and myself. I was shocked to see that Ron and Harry weren’t laughing as they were friends of my sister. Unsurprisingly, my sister was the one laughing the loudest. I don’t even remember what I did to have her hate me so much. Then it all came back to me.

                “Mione, do you wanna go outside? Mum and Dad set the pool up yesterday so we could go swimming!” I yelled over to my sister, excited at the thought of spending time with my twin. “Sure Liz Liz, but we need to change clothes first or else our clothes will get soaked and Mum will be mad.” My twin replied. We ran upstairs and got changed. You see, my parents thought I was going to be a boy when I was born because my heart beat was stronger than my sisters, but instead they got me, and I’m pretty sure I’m not a boy. So my closet was filled with black, purple, gray, red and blue. There was the occasional pink that I got from my grandmother, but other than that I has all boy-ish colors. Hermione on the other hand had pink, sky blue, orange, green, rainbow, yellow and light purple. I guess you could say that my parents wanted us to be different, and I got sick of it that day, “Mione, why don’t we swap clothes for today, I wanna see if Mum and Dad can tell us apart.” I said to my sister.  I could tell that Hermione didn’t like the idea at first, as she was fond of her bright colored clothes. Finally, she agreed. We changed clothes and walked out of the house. Hermione was wearing my favorite bikini (by the way they are 5 in this so it’s like a little kid wearing a cute bikini) which was dark purple with black flowers. While the one I was wearing was a rainbow one piece. I didn’t have a problem showing a little skin, but Hermione on the other hand liked to cover up as much as she could while being comfortable.

                Anyway, we walked over to our parents, and at this age our hair was the same color, my hair didn’t turn blonde until I was 10. My mom called “me” over to talk to and I saw a flash of jealously in my sisters’ eyes as out mum talked to her. When I was a kid, I was entered in a lot of pageants because my mum said I was a “true beauty”,  now, she says that I’m a “true disaster”. Anyways, my mom would always tell me how good I looked, I of course, didn’t think anything of it because I thought she said the same thing to Hermione, now I know she didn’t.

                I knew something was wrong that day, Hermione wouldn’t talk to me and every time she did she called me a “worthless freak”. After that, I grew up listening to My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Avenged Sevenfold and All Time Low. I wanted Hermione to get all of the attention that she needed so I basically made myself the opposite. I got a different haircut, I bought new clothes, my hair turned blonde I didn’t dye it like my mom thinks I did, and I cut myself off of the social world to let my sister be in the spotlight.

                After Wednesday, nothing basically happened, unless you count Peeves scaring people all. Day. Long on Thursday and Friday.  

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