Mantine Overboard

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Riley, Marina, Jimmy, and Karen continue their journeys in the Whirl Islands. Today, we find our heroes dashing through the port city of Ogi on Yellow Rock Isle, as they try and catch the ferry which would take them to Red Rock Isle and the Whirl Cup competition.

Marina: You know, Riley, if you didn't have to eat such a big breakfast, we would have been able to get here on time!

Riley: I can't help it! I'm a growing boy! Huh? They see the boat leaving.

Jimmy: Guys! That looks like our boat!!

Riley: Wait for us!

Bolt: Pichu! Our heroes arrive at the dock, but were too little, too late.

Marina: We missed it.

Karen: Guess we'll have to wait for the next one.

Marina: Oh! Excuse me, sir. Can you tell us when the next ferry will be leaving for Red Rock Isle?

Man: That was it. The ferry only runs once a day. Everyone is completely in shock over the news.

Riley: Once a day?! Then we're stuck here till tomorrow! A woman spots our heroes ahead.

Marina: What are we gonna do till the boat comes?

Karen: We could go see if there's a Pokemon Center nearby.

Jimmy: Yeah.

???: Hello there.

Everyone looks up and sees the woman who spotted them with a cart full of scuba equipment.

???: It looks like you guys missed the ferry for Red Rock Isle

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???: It looks like you guys missed the ferry for Red Rock Isle.

Jimmy: Yes.

Riley: Yeah, we did.

Karen: We have to wait a whole day for the next one to come.

Luka: Well, if you want to get to Red Rock Isle today, I'll be happy to give you a lift in my boat.

Marina: Wow, could you really?

Bolt: Pichu? (For sure)

Luka: (chuckles) No problem, it's on the way.

In the water, a periscope surfaces as the camera pans down to Team Rocket's Magikarp submarine.

Jessie: Hey! Look who's here.

Meowth: One group of twoips, twelve o'clock!

James: Yeah, and with one of them, a Pichu on top. They soon see Luka on screen.

Meowth: What? Who's dat? I ain't nevah seen her before. Luka soon shows the gang her boat.

Luka: Well, here's the boat. It may look a little rundown, but don't worry, it runs well and it'll get us there safely. Well, all aboard!

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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