Chapter Twenty-Three

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*Snip-bits from her last day out with Tony*

Crystal's POV

"Why would we pay to watch a movie?" I asked, sitting across from Tony with an orange juice in my hands.

"Because a movie theater is amazing and it's a completely different experience." Tony said, leaning on the island next to me as he chewed on some toast.

"But it's the same movie, and why would you want to be surrounded by strangers as you watch a movie in the dark?" I asked, completely confused.

"Alright fine, no movie." Tony said in exasperation.

"What was the movie about?" I asked timidly.

Tony gave me a look and said, "Seriously?"

"Well, you made it sound pretty cool..."

Tony smiled and shoved me like an older sibling would. He said, "It's about a viking type kid who is being taught to kill dragons but end up becoming friends with one."

"And it's not something I have to pay full attention to? 'Cause I think my headache is coming back." I caught the bottle of aspirin and said, "Thanks."

"You'll probably be fully engrossed knowing you. Come on, there's a showing in a half hour down town at the really nice one." He said, grabbing my hand and dragging me off as soon as I was done taking the pills.

"Alright alright." I said, pulling my wrist out of his grip and following him, adjusting my brand new Ironman t-shirt. I glanced over at Tony and asked, "Do we really have to wear the same shirt?"

"Yes, and it's too late for you to change so deal with it." He said as the elevator doors closed.


"What are they and why would I put them on?"

"Can't you just trust me for once?" Tony asked, raising an eyebrow at me as he tied up his, well, whatever they are.

"Sure, I guess." I said, putting the contraptions on my feet, it looked like they had a blade on the bottom of them. Once I was done lacing them up, I zipped up the fuzzy jacket Tony had bought me earlier, he'd bought himself one as well saying they would come in handy later. I looked up at him since he was now standing and asked, "Now what?"

"Now you take my hand and follow my lead." He said, holding his hand out to me. He helped me up and steadied me when I wobbled. He started leading me towards the opening in the wall thing and said, "Don't panic and just trust me."

"I get it, don't flip the fuck out." I said rolling my eyes, feeling much more steady on my feet. Of course, that completely disappeared the second I stepped onto the ice. I looked up at Tony with wide eyes but blew out a breath, "Okay, you better believe I trust you a whole fucking lot considering my wings didn't tear through this damn jacket."

"I'm going to pull you into the rink more, okay? I'll keep you by the wall I promise." He assured with a small smile, more one of joy than amusement.

"Go for it." I stated, my words much more confident than I was actually feeling.

"Hey, this isn't that hard." I said, skiing past Tony like it was nothing, we'd probably been here a solid hour and a half. There still were only a few people on the ice, it was apparently a pretty slow day.

"You want to try skiing backwards?" He asked, catching up with me and then turning around suddenly.

I raised an eyebrow at him but my expression dissolved into a childlike eagerness when he actually still kept up with me and even turned with me, "Can you show me?"

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