Chapter Eight

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"I have unfinished business with Loki."

"Yeah well get in line." Cint said.

"No." I said suddenly, getting everyone's attention. "I know Loki, I can get him to stop this."

Crystal's POV

"How do-"

"Just listen." Tony backed me.

"Give me a chance guys, I can do this. I know everything about him just like he does me." I told them.

Thor asked, "How do you know my brother so well?"

I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly. "I may have snuck into his room and teleported into his cage while he made everyone else see that it was just him. Guys, the point is that Loki cares about me, he wont hurt me. I honestly think I can get him to stop this."

"Hey Sweetheart? Do you love him?" Tony asked suddenly, everyone else's heads whipped towards me, looking for an answer.

I sighed, "I do, but I will not hesitate to kill him if he forces my hand."

Capt. turned towards me suddenly, "Go."

I nodded, not waiting for anyone else to contradict him, and spread my wings, taking off quickly. It wasn't hard to find Loki, he was standing on top of STARK tower, looking around at all the destruction he was causing. I landed on the disk that Tony had earlier and walked inside like last time. Loki followed me, but hesitantly.

The second I was inside I started slowly walking towards him, seeing the way he hesitated with each step he took away from me. I said, "Loki you can stop this."

He shook his head and sighed sadly, "No I can't, it's too late."

He stopped when his back hit a wall, but I kept coming. When I reached him I grabbed his arm lightly, him looking down at me. I said, "Loki it's never too late. You can stop all of this, you can take responsibility for your actions so far, which will be far less painful than in an hour or so."

"Crystal you don't understand-"

"No, I understand perfectly." I told him. "Loki I hate myself everyday for what I did."

He looked down at me seriously and said, "You shouldn't, you're too good for that."

"And you're too good for this, Loki." I paused seeing his hopeless expression return. "Loki I know you, the real you. You're hurt, alone and desperate, but you don't have to be. I'll patch you up and stay by your side, I'll kick the desperation to the curb. Loki you can get through this, but only if you let me help. Only if we do this together."

"Crystal." He breathed out. "Crystal what'll happen to me though? To you?"

"I don't know." I said truthfully, shaking my head lightly. I smiled up at him though and said, "It doesn't matter though. If you stop this now we can handle anything that comes our way, from here until the end of time."

"The Chitari.." He trailed off uncertainly.

"Will be exterminated." I finished strongly, sure of myself.

"How could I return home to Asguard though? After all this? There is no home for me now." He said bitterly.

I reached a hand up to his cheek and made him look down at me. I stared into his striking green eyes for a moment before saying, "When you return home after continuing with this, you will be in chains."

I paused letting that sink in, "Stop this now and you can walk in of your own free will with me by your side. You can ask forgiveness of Odin and let him decide what is a suitable punishment for your crimes."

I paused again, "And if worst comes to worst, which I'm positive it wont. If you are banished, or told to leave, you can come here. You can live here with me. Away from society of course, but I'll be with you every step of the way."

"Why do you have an answer for everything?" He asked, an angry edge too his voice.

"Because I thought about this every second you were away from me when you left the Hellicarrier, I thought about you." I told him after thinking for a few seconds.

Loki suddenly took a half a step forward and laid his forehead down on my shoulder, it was almost comical since he had to bend down so far. His arms wrapped themselves around my waist and I hugged him back instantly. He asked, "Would you really stand by my side after all I've done? I brainwashed one of your best friends, I led an attack on your home and above all I unintentionally played your feelings like a harp."

I hugged him back tighter and buried my face into his chest. I said, "I'll stand by you until the end of time Loki, if you'll only do the right thing and let me."

Loki groaned quietly and said, "I don't think you should."

I pulled away from him suddenly, forcing him to stand again. "What?" I asked, completely baffled.

Loki smiled and said, "I only meant that I don't feel I deserve for you to."

I smiled and said, "Right now you don't. After you close that portal, then we can talk."

He shook his head softly and took my hand in his, walking out towards the Tesseract. He picked up his staff on the way. Loki asked Eric, "So now what do I do?"

"Push the staff into the tesseract." Eric said quickly, looking like he was considering jumping off the building to get away from Loki.

Loki stared down at the staff in his hands and then looked at me. I looked at him pleadingly, throwing in the one fact I really didn't want to have to, "Loki I swear I will try and find a way to kill myself permanently if you don't do this. If you don't do this you'll be taken away from me anyway, so what would be the point? Loki, do this for the both of us."

Loki looked at the Tesseract with a new found determination, he shoved the staff into the force field around it, but stopped when I set a hand on his arm smiling lightly. I switched on my ear piece and said, "Loki is about to close the portal, any objections?"

"No! Don't!" Tony interrupted.

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"I've got a nuke here, big enough to level New York and I know exactly where to put it." He said.

Steve said, "You know that's a one way trip Stark."

"Yeah yeah, anyway. Crystal did you say Loki was about to close the portal?" Tony asked, as if he wasn't flying to his death.

I felt a few tears fall to my cheeks as I said, "Yeah, he's on our side now."

I looked over at Loki with a small smile but it faded quickly. He frowned a little and held a hand out to me. I took it instantly and he pulled me to his chest, one arm around my waist while the other held the staff. I heard Tony whistle, "Damn kid, I knew you were good but how the hell did you get Loki to switch sides?"

I smirked a little through the tears and said, "I just appealed to his humanity... And maybe his heart."

Tony said, "I wish you two luck kid, I really do."

I said, "Love ya like a bro Tony."

"Love you like a sis Crystal." Tony said before I watched him disappear into the portal.

I waited and waited for him to come out, but he didn't. He just... didn't. Steve said, "Close it."

"Loki, time to close it." I said softly, not trusting my voice to be any louder.

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