Chapter Seven

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I interrupted, "Are we suiting up?"

I could practically feel Tony's smirk as he said, "Yes, sweetheart. Go suit up."

Crystal's POV

I did as Tony said and ran to my room. I changed into fresh soft black skinny jeans, my black Nikes, a black T-shirt and threw my hair up in a high ponytail. I strapped my gun to my side this time, my staff went to my back pocket and I grabbed my disks out of my back pack. I slipped them into their holsters and strapped them to my thighs in easy reach. I usually try not to use the disks since they're only good in hand to hand, but you never know.

I ran out of my room and almost ran into Capt. who had Natasha and Clint behind him. I ran along side Capt. and said, "Nice to have you back Clint."

"Just shut up Crystal." Clint said, though I could hear the smile.

I smiled, but it faded when we ran out on the landing deck. I saw Tony taking off and my wings appeared instantly. I took off without a second though, catching up to Tony easily. He asked, "Crystal what are you doing?"

"Um, sticking with you." I told him in a duh tone.

Tony shook his head and the rest of the flight to New York was silent. It only took us about five minutes, but truthfully I felt like it took forever. I could've teleported! Even flying I usually cover that distance in less.

I landed next to Loki while Tony tried to talk to Selvic. I quickly turned off my ear piece and asked, "Loki? Why did you leave?"

He looked at me with sad eyes, "I told you Crystal, it was too late. I had already given my orders and made promises. There is no turning back for me."

I saw Tony land and he kept an eye on Loki while he walked inside, taking off his armour as he went. I sighed, "Come on Loki."

Loki walked inside with me and I sat down on a bar stood while he hung back. Loki said, "Please tell me you're not going to appeal to my humanity."

"Would it work?" I piped up.

Loki gave me a look that clearly said, 'please just stop' and I sighed, crossing my arms on the island.

I saw Tony look between us curiously before saying, "Uh, actually I'm planning to threaten you."

"You should've left your armour on for that." Loki said, but he almost sounded tired instead of smug like I thought he would.

Tony walked down to the bar and said, "Yeah, it's seen a bit of mileage and you've got the, glow stick of destiny. Would you like a drink?"

Loki sighed, almost sounding wishful, "Stalling me wont change anything."

"No no no, not stalling. Threatening. No drink you sure? I'm having one." Tony said, getting together a drink.

"The Chitari are coming and no one can stop them." He sounded tired again. "What have I to fear?"

"The Avengers." Tony answered instantly. "That's what we call ourselves, sort of like a team. Earth's mightiest heroes type thing."

"Yes, I've met them." Loki said, glancing over at me for a few seconds before turning his attention back to Tony.

Tony glanced at me for a few seconds as well, like he was trying to figure something out. Tony said, "Yeah, takes us a little while to get any traction I'll give you that one. But let's do a head count here. Your brother, the demi god. The super solider, a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend. A man with Breath taking anger management issues. Your girlfriend over there, an immortal bad ass. A couple of master assassins. And you, big fella. Have managed to piss off every single one of them."

Loki shook his head slightly, "That was the plan."

"Not a great plan." Tony said. He walked around the bar to stand in front of Loki, "When they come, and they will, they'll come for you."

"I have an army." Loki said.

"We have a Hulk." Tony said instantly.

"Oh I thought the beast had wondered off."

"Yeah, you're missing the point here. There's no throne, there is no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it."

Loki started walking towards Tony with his scepter starting to light up and I knew what was coming. I jumped from the stool and got in between them. Tony started, "Sweetheart what are you-"

I stepped towards Loki, "Loki please, just listen for once. You don't have to do this, any of this."

Loki sighed and reached forward to rest a hand on my cheek softly. He said hopelessly, "How many times do I have to tell you, it's too late."

I shook my head and grabbed his hand in my own, "Loki you don't understand. I can't see you end up like me! I can't!!"

Loki stepped forward and pulled me softly into his arms. He said, "Crystal I'm sorry, it's just too late."

"It's never too late." I told him, I pulled my head away from his chest to look up at him. "Loki you can stop this, everything."

He started shaking his head. I sighed and let my head fall against his chest again. He rested his head on mine for a short second and softly kissed the top of my head again before saying, "I'm sorry Crystal. I truly am."

"Wow sweetheart, you really know how to pick 'em." Tony said behind me.

Loki let go of me and stepped around me quickly, putting the scepter in the middle of Tony's chest. I waited for a second, but nothing happened. Loki tried again and said, "This usually works."

Tony shrugged, "Well, performance issues, not uncommon. 1 out of 5-"

Loki suddenly grabbed him by the neck and threw him. Loki followed him and then threw him out the window. I watched in horror for a few seconds before I saw one of his suits racing down towards him.

I walked to the edge of the broken window and watched as Tony's suit attached itself to him and he caught himself, flying back up. He hovered for a few seconds before saying. "And there's one more guy you pissed off, his name is Phil."

Tony shot Loki with his blasters and then flew up towards Loki's army. I looked back at Loki who was just getting up and said, "Loki please stop this, for me."

I jumped out of the window before he could answer and I flew up after Tony. I took out my staff and started cracking skulls with it, occasionally messing up their scooter things so that they'd run into each other and blow up.

I kept flying, trying to take down as many as I could in the air. That is until I saw Thor, Capt., Clint and Natasha all in the same place. I quickly landed next to them and Capt. asked, "What's the story upstairs?"

"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable." Thor told him.

"Thor's right we gotta deal with these guys." Tony confirmed.

"How do we do this?" Natasha asked.

"As a team." Capt. answered.

"I have unfinished business with Loki."

"Yeah well get in line." Cint said.

"No." I said suddenly, getting everyone's attention. "I know Loki, I can get him to stop this."

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