Chapter Thirteen

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Crystal's POV

I walked into the meeting room and sat down in a chair, my hands wrapped tightly around the coffee mug. I had just come back from the prison cell, the one that held Tony's imposter. I had found him in Tony's room, hacking JARVIS and controlling the suit. He wasn't very bright, he didn't even move when I opened the invisible door.

Anyway, Tony is no where to be found, STARK was shut down, Pepper was moved to a location even I'm not allowed to know and Loki still hasn't woke up. I mean granted it's only been two days, but I can't help but worry.

The guy that was in Tony's room refuses to say anything, no matter what we ask. He drinks the water and eats his meals, but that's the only thing he does. Fury has tried every verbal tactic in the book, and I've watched him try every one. We need to find Tony, god only knows what's happening to him.

I stood, leaving my empty coffee cup on the table, and started towards Loki's room. Once I got there I entered the password that only Bruce and I knew, it was just random numbers and letters that I forced myself to memorize. I sat next to Loki on the bed and swept a hand through his hair like always. I sighed, "Well, I guess there really isn't a point in asking you to wake up, not after me begging. I really really need you to wake up though, I'm seriously going crazy here. Hell I haven't even slept in two days."

I sighed, "I guess the only good news I have right now is that I think Fury is close to breaking. I can tell he's getting sick of the guy, I think he'll let me at him soon. Then I'll know everything, because I won't stop until I do."

I took his hand in mine and squeezed lightly, running the back of my other hand down his face, the bruises had already cleared. "Loki I need you. I need you to come back to me. I need you to wake up, now. I need to see those green eyes and I need to know that you're okay." When he gave no sign and his eyes didn't open I sighed, "See, I told you begging again wouldn't do me any g-"

I cut off when a knock sounded on the door. I kissed Loki's forehead and whispered, "I love you, please just wake up."

I glided from my place next to him and opened the door, closing it behind me quickly. The Agent in front of me said, "Fury requested you."

"Where?" I was sooo over being nice to these people, especially when they let someone waltz in, take someone I love and then hurt the one I love.

"The cell." He said.

I smirked small, so he broke did he? I teleported there quickly, already in the process of rolling my shoulders. The second I appeared I found myself in front of all the avengers. "So can I?"

Fury stared at me for a second, I could feel everyone's confused stares. Fury sighed and held a needle out to me and then a small dagger. I took them readily. Fury said, "He's got to live."

I smiled and said, "Okay, if you want to hear him beg for his life that's fine with me. Oh and don't worry, I won't use these unless I have to."

"Remember, Stark and his boss." Fury reminded me.

I squared my shoulders to him, "I'll be honest here, I won't go in there for just that. I want to know why he targeted Loki, and what he was going to do after."

"Keep your emotions in check." Fury said.

I nodded, "I will, but I have to appear to him to be out of control, so don't interrupt me. Well besides Bruce."

Bruce nodded and I knew he would only come in if it was necessary, we already had it all worked out. I slipped both the dagger and needle into my inside jacket pocket. I sighed and rolled my neck before smirking at them all, saluting with two fingers. I teleported next to the guy and instantly slammed the table up against the wall. All the room had was a table and two chairs, just four white walls really.

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