Chapter Twenty-Five

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Crystal's POV

"Leave!" I shouted in pure frustration.

Immediately the two young girls ran from the room, taking their books and trays with them. I could practically feel the smoke blow from my mouth as I fumed, taking in deep breaths.

A chuckle sounded in the room and hands gently messaged my shoulders, "You must be patient with them Love, they're only doing my mother's biding."

"I was patient. Anyone else on my planet would've ripped them apart already." I growled, my entire body tensing in aggravation.

"My mother just wants answers so she can plan the wedding accordingly. Not to mention if you want the mortals to come you have to tell her soon. Odin is a bit of an ass when it comes to such requests." Loki's hands dug in harder, trying to relax me.

I finally blew out a deep breath and sunk into the chair, allowing the calming sensation he offered to wash over me. I sighed lightly, "Besides the guest list she can do whatever she wants. As long as im marrying you I don't care ehat kind of cake or flowers there are."

"I doubt she would exclude me from our wedding." He said with a chuckle.

"You never know." I returned in the same tone. 

"I understand the frustration love but if you really don't care that much, perhaps you could just make decisions quickly then. Choose whichever you think is best without weighting the options too much. It's not my mother you're talking to, but two servants. They will not ask you to reconsider. Once a choice is made it is done." He said, coming to kneel in front of me.

"Perhaps I could try that." I paused, "Tomorrow that is."

"Oh?" Loki raised an eyebrow at me with that trademark look of mischief in his eyes, "And just what do you have planned for the rest of the day Queen Crystal of Helta?"

"We will go back to my planet." I stated, standing and taking his hands in mine once he stood.

"Are you sure?" He asked skeptically.

"Yes of course. I want you to see my home and we must make our own vows in front of Shikyla to truly be wed in my eyes." I explained, looking up at him.

"Then I suppose we have no choice." He smirked and pulled me closer, "Within a month we will be tied together in every way possible."

"And we have our honeymoon to figure out new ways as well." I said with a devilish grin of my own, knowing my words would affect him.

He crashed his lips to mine and I couldn't help my moan at his fierce passion. His hands scrambled to my dress zipper and I was left in only a pair of lace green underwear. He pulled away to pick my up, my legs wrapping around his waist as his hands gripped my butt. He pushed me harshly against the wall making me moan out before he swallowed my moans. As his lips moved to my neck I said breathlessly, "I suppose Helta could wait another hour."

He chuckled against my skin, "Maybe another few hours."

He ground his hips into mine, making me throw my head back into the wall as I moaned, my hands tugging on his hair. He groaned and pushed me harder against the wall. His lips met mine and he forced his tongue into my mouth, fighting me for dominance.

"Oh god." I whispered after a green simmer had surrounded us. Loki's clothes had disappeared and I could feel his huge erection pressing against my entrance, yet he did not enter me. His hand slithered down between our boys and he pressed a cold finger against my clit, moving the bundle of nerves in slow circles to drive me mad.

With one arm under my butt he lifted me slightly, finally lining himself uo with my entrance. I moaned as I felt just his tip enter me, his finger still working on my clit.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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