Chapter Eleven

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-I love it, but it's probably because I love you."

My eyes went wide and I looked away from him quickly. I rolled off the bed and ran from the room, hearing him call out my name behind me.

Cystal's POV

I rounded a corner and quickly went into Natasha's room when I reached it. Thankfully Natasha wasn't here. I raided her closer quickly and took the standard issue SHIELD sweats that were still in the back of her closet. I threw my hair up into a ponytail that I stole from Natasha's bathroom, she wouldn't mind much....I hope.

I cracked open the door and looked both ways before walking out, jogging quickly round two hallways. I smiled slightly when I reached my destination, the 'hero hallway', as I call it anyway. It held the temporary rooms for, Tony, Capt. and Bruce. I hesitated, thinking, before knocking on both Tony's and Bruce's door.

They opened their doors at the exact same time, almost making me smile. They both looked confused and Tony asked, "What's up sweetheart?"

"Well, Tony I'd like to walk with you for a little bit. And Bruce." I paused smiling slightly before I stepped towards Bruce, throwing my arms around him. Bruce started slightly before wrapping his arms around me as well, giving a tight squeeze. I smiled as we broke apart and said, "Thanks, I needed that."

He smiled, "Anytime Crystal, tell me when you're ready."

"I will." I nodded. Bruce nodded as well before disappearing inside his room.

I turned to find Tony leaning against his closed door. He said, "Finally, so where you wanna go?"

"Anywhere that no one will interrupt." I told him.

He whistled as he started walking down the hall asking, "So what happened?"

"I did something stupid." I told him.

"You're gonna have to be more specific sweetheart, you do a lot of stupid things." He teased.

I smiled slightly, but it was fleeting. "I told Loki I loved him."

Tony stopped dead and I turned to him, hurrying to continue, "I mean I'm pretty sure he wasn't ready to hear that, but it just slipped out while we were talking and I ran and grabbed some sweats from Natasha's room and now she's gonna be annoyed and then I came and got you but what the fuck is wrong with me? I mean serious-"

Tony chuckled slightly as he set his hands on my shoulders and shook me slightly. Tony looked at me and said, "Sweetheart just shut up for two minutes."

I snapped my mouth shut and smiled small. He asked, "What did you do after you told him?"

"I roll out of bed and ran." I said sheepishly.

"Bed? He was in your- Never mind that. What did he say?" He asked.

"Um, I didn't give him time to say anything." I said. "He called after me and I think he tried to chase me. He probably only lost me because he had to pause and put on a shirt."

"He was Shirtless in your- Anyway, why did you run?"

"Because I was scared." I said, looking away from him.

"Of?" He pressed.

"What he would say." I admitted.

Tony shook his head, letting his hands fall from my shoulders. "He loves you Sweetheart. You may not believe it, he may not even know it, but he loves you."

"But what if-" I started.

"Trust me, he loves you." He said seriously. "Go find him, apologize for running if he even gives you the chance and go from there."

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