Step Brothers BoyxBoy

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I'm so glad you guys love this book! Please go check out my other books "The Life of The Taken" and "Shooting up Kellin." They're my new books and I would like more feedback on them. Thanks!

My writing in this book isn't the best. I started this book in like 2013 and I suck so bad at writing back then and it's very cringe-y to me when I re-read it. It's a good story but I need to fix some things.


Ray -

I laid in bed with my legs swinging off the edge, flipping my basketball in the air, just thinking about all this shit that's been happening. My suitcase filled with all my belongings sat in the far corner of my room. I really wish my dad didn't start dating again, no one can replace my mom and now he's planning on asking some other dudes mom to marry him. This is all happening way to fast. They have only been together for six months!

He didn't even ask for my approval on this and every time I bring it up he shoots me down and yells at me. I mean I'm your son, your blood, family, way before some lady you've been dating for six months and supposedly, she's the one.

He says that about every woman he dates and they've all ended up leaving him with a broken heart and a broken bank account. He never learns from his mistakes. My dads' girlfriend; Teresa, also has a seventeen-year-old son. I met him once. Well technically I didn't meet him, but I've seen him. He has this big ass afro; it looks super unkept, like a bird scrambled up twigs, leaves, and mud and mixed it all up in his curly locks. Has he brushed it ever in his life?

The day I met Teresa's son, he was standing behind her looking timid. A little scared, lost puppy. He was wearing tight dark blue jeans with a belt fastened all the way to his waist and a spiraled tide died shirt stuffed into his pants. I'm surprised he didn't have matching nerd glasses. Also, he had these big cinnamon brown eyes. His pupils shook at a rapid speed, as I examined him. Scratching his platform black Convers on the crumbling asphalt pavement. He gripped his moms arm tighter. I remember dad and I arguing that day, he was physically forcing me to go over there and talk to the awkward looking kid.

To make matters worse, I have to share a room with his ass too. Because their not exactly rich or have any extra money to afford a bigger house with enough rooms for everyone to have their own. They also have another family member living with them. Some old grandma lady. I have a feeling I'm not going to like her. Something in my stomach is screaming that at me. I bet my dads' girlfriend only wants him for his money since she ain't got any.


I still don't understand why they don't come and live with us. In our house. We have a huge two story house. Everyone will have their own shit and not have to share anything, not even shampoo. Clearly, they have to share that hair washing product. Hense the son's messy hair. It's so much better here!



My dad busts through the door, scaring me, "Ray comes on, its time to go." I let out a big sigh and grabbed my suitcases, walking out of my room; getting one last good look at my purple wall with Rihanna and other sexy girl celebrity posters.

My dad told me to leave them just in case my step-brother doesn't like that type of stuff. Fuck what he likes! Who fucking cares what he likes? I certainly don't! I got in my dads truck throwing everything to the back with anger. I snapped my seatbelt on, crossing my arms and plugging my earbuds in. I glance out the tinted window, flushing my mind with the wonderful memories I had at this house. Dad got in and starting the car.

I instantly asked him the question I've been asking ever since he told me we were moving out of my cozy home. "Why are we going to their house it's not too late for them to come to ours?!"

"Ray, hush, can you just accept the fact that I found love?" Found love? God, if I had a dollar for every time I heard that. I'd be richer than I am now, but lets hit him with that hardball that always makes him reevaluate his love life.

"Mom loves you..." He got quite and sighed. Stopping the car at the red light, he faced me. "Ray, it didn't work out, so now its time to move on." He gave me a half smirk.

"I hate this." I pouted. It's going to be a long drive to North California.

"Ray, you never know you might grow feelings for this boy."

"I highly doubt that dad!"

Grow a feeling for this boy? What's my dads' problem?

"Haha, okay son." What is he trying to say?


Jacob -

I'm currently laying on my stomach, writing in my misfit journal about this whole exciting thing. I always wanted a brother and he's older than me, I also wanted an older brother, so he's perfect! I've only seen him though, I was way too intimidated to go over and introduce myself. I do regret it. I hope he doesn't think I'm a pussy that's too afraid to talk to him. He had two long braids with googles sitting crookedly on his forehead, sagging pants and wearing ten thousand shirts.

"Princeton they're here! they're here! Your new stepbrother and my boyfriend are finally here!" My mom shouted from the living room. I sighed, well here goes nothing. "Jacob, get your ass over here!" She yelled even louder.

I quickly ran to the living room and there my mom stood to smile, with her hand in hand, lighting jumping up in down, "Are you as excite as I am!?"

"Yes!" My voice trails off as she opens the door.

"Hi, baby." She stood on the balls of her feet and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah enough with that lovey dovey crap, help me with these suitcases!" My new-brother complained, hulting all the bags in. I reached over to grab one, but the angry looking pigtails kid pulled his hand with the suitcases away from me. "Not you napps."

His dad grabbed his suitcase from him and pigtails then look at me with a disgusted face. "So, are we going to stare at each other or are you going to show me to your room?" I slowly nodded my head, pointing the way to my room. He's making everything so awkward. I thought he'd be happy to meet me. I thought we'd jump around and have a movie marathon.

"It's this way..." I opened my door and let him in first. He looks around at all my misfit stuff and light green painted walls

"So, I'm Jacob, if you didn't know my name already." I reached my arm out to shake his, but he just looked at it. I slowly brought it back to my body when he just strolled passed me. He curiously looked around the perimeter of my room, "Are you emo?"

"Are you stupid??"

"Well no, it's cause your room is filled with black and white skulls, do you cut yourself?"

"Oh no, the Misfits are my favorite band, and no I don't cut myself, never thought about it."

"Huh, favorite band, I can see that... Wait. One fucking bed? You only have one fucking bed?"

"Ermm yeah, my room is too small for two, I can get my sleeping bag, and sleep on the floor for now. If you want, you can have my bed, I don't mind." I can't come off as rude like he is. I'm trying to get to know him, seeing those muscle and how toned he is. He could really help me out with my workout plans. He could keep me motivated, so I want to get on his good side. He hesitated for a moment then parted his lips to speak.

"We can share the bed, but stay on your side of the bed." At least he's not making me sleep on the floor.

Comment and tell me what you think Porfavor

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