Chapter Nine

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Jacob -

The bus pulled up to my bus stop and I got out. "That was a funny prank you did there son." I smiled at the bus driver man. He is cool and chilled to talk to.

I told him my little plan and surprisingly he agreed to help me. I unlock the door to the house and my stepdad was sitting on the couch watching tv while my mom was on the computer probably checking my grade on grade speed.

You see, I have to do good in all my classes or my mom will have my whole head shaved. She believes if you have a sharp look, you'll do better in school. I think she just doesn't like my hair and finds reasons to try and get rid of it.

"Hi Jake, where's Ray?" I had to make up a quick lie about Ray.

"Oh, umm, I don't know, probably getting something to eat." I smile innocently making the lie seem more realistic. "Oh okay, are y'all getting along?"

"Sure..." I said nodding my head getting the play cards from the top of the bookcase.

"Come on Nana, time for me to beat you in UNO."

I was sitting on a pillow on the floor playing UNO with nana. It was a heated game I was about to win then she'll make me draw four cards then change the color.

Then she would almost win and ill skip her turn. The game was getting competitive. It was getting late, the street lights were already on. It was getting darker outside. I didn't mean to get Ray lost.

"Hunny where's Ray?" My mom gestured herself towards Vincent, asking him like he knew.

"I don't know he called me earlier asking me the address to the house." Then all the horrible scenario popped into my head.

Oh my god what if he got kidnapped!! I tried pushing the thoughts out of my head. I need to focus on this game! It's not that Ray isn't important, I just don't want nana to win.

Next thing I know the door was swung open. "I'm home." A very annoyed familiar voice said.

"Ray, what took you so long? I was so worried." My mom rushed to him to check for any bruises. I hope he doesn't snitch. "Someone tricked me into thinking the stop before was the one to get off at."

"Who..?" He cocked his eyes brow pointing his long-nailed fingers at me.

"You snitch!"

"It's not snitching if you're here when I'm telling on you!" He rolled his neck with his hand on his waist. I glare at him evilly. I opened my mouth to make a smart remark until I was interrupted.

"UNOOOO! In your face, you burnt enchilada! The full Mexican wins once again." Nana parade around the living room doing the chicken dance. "Jacob, why did you do that to Ray?" My mom looked at me with curiosity.

"He got my car towed!" She gasped loudly. Ha take that ray, your ass is in for it.

"Ray, thank you! been trying to get rid of that car for a year now."

"Mooooom!" I whined like a two-year-old. She is supposed to have my back. "What? We'll get you a new one." I crossed my arms, walking into the room. Ray followed behind. He shut the door and tackled me on the bed.

"You prick."

"Hahhahaa." All I could do was laugh. I pushed on his chest trying to get him off of me. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What? Ray doesn't like a little prank?" He grabbed my pillow hitting me in the face with it. "Come on Ray, stop," I mumble. He had the pillow smooching my face, I moved my head back and forth, trying to breathe. My arms were swinging in the air, up and down trying to hit him.

I squirmed around as Ray straddled me, pushing the pillow harder on my face. Hmm, I have an idea. I stopped moving, placing my hand down and hold my breath. I was now completely still.

Ray -

Jacob really pissed me off with that stupid prank. When we got in the room. I attacked him onto the little bed. I was choking him with the pillow until all of a sudden, he stopped moving, oh my god did, I just kil- no no he- he's just taking a nap, right..?

I removed the pillow from his face. His eyes were tightly closed and his chest wasn't moving up and down like it usually does.

"Ok Ray, don't panic, um." I put both my hand on his chest pressing down on it.

I saw this in a movie, it shouldn't be that hard. I tried to remember what also happened in the movie, to see if that would help me out.

"Aww hell no, I have to hold his nose and kiss him." I was still on him, I hesitated to move my fingers to his nose slowly. I lightly place my thumb and index finger on his small nose.

"Okay, Ray just place your lips on his then blow air...yeah that's it...okay." One, two, three, breathe! I closed my eyes and brought my lips to his. I squint my eyes as I got closer. I jerked back up.

"No, no I can't do this." I looked back at him. Oh, my god, he's turning purple. What the fuck do I do? I don't want it, I don't want it. I put my fingers back on his nose, I was almost to his lips when
the door swung open.

I froze. My eyes widen. This position doesn't look right in any type of way you look at it. "Uh huh, I told ya'll nasty children, first penises sticking in butts and now this." I slowly turned my head to Jacobs nana.

"It's not what it looks like...?" She protested back in forth in the door frame.

"I was coming here to apologize to Jake for kicking his ass in UNO and I come and see this." There was a loud gasp.

"Ohh god, your breath stinks, get off me." Jacob pushed me off him and onto the floor.

"What? I thought you were dead." I move my hands up and down fast. "I was just acting, I was going to scare you when you got close to me.." My eyebrows came together in confusion.

Why would he play like that? I thought I killed him! "No, no, no you and you need to get your lives together, yall need Jesus." She slammed the door.

I look back at Jacob and he was laughing, what is so fucking funny? He's grandma probably thinks we're homosexuals or something.

"Your grandma is weird," I say looking down at my shoe.


"Your nana, she's weird..." I was shoved against the wall. Jacob pinned my arms on top of my head. He stared me down, scrunching his nose up. Our breathing began to slow down.

His chest was on mine. Slowly moving up and down with mine and are body parts pressed together. This feeling was kinda soothing, I keep getting a tingling feeling. "Nana isn't weird!" He barked at me getting closer to me.

I looked into his eyes then at his lips then back up. It was completely silent. I bit my lips as his hands trailed down my arms. He rolled his eyes and jumped onto the bed.

"Ray, Jake, dinner" he got up walking towards the door. Shooting me all sorts of nasty looks.

Oh Y'all gone love the next chapter lol xD

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