Chapter Twenty Three

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I'm sooooo sooooo sooo sorry for the really long wait. I'm kinda losing interest in the books that I'm writing, but I'm going to finish them, I can't promise any sequels, but I will finish the books. Also I have really bad writers block so if you'd like to help, go ahead, help me.

Anyways to the story!!!! ^_^


Authors POV

Tears dribbled down Rays cheek; he's been crying ever since Jake and he broke up. Three weeks straight, he's been staring out his new bedroom window, tears slipping down, and sobs leaving his lips every two seconds. His mother understood how hard this has been on Ray, she let him skip school, but it's about time he pulls himself together and face his problems.

"Ray?" His mother whisper as she gently opened his bedroom door. He was sitting in a wooden chair facing the window, death metal music blasting from his speakers.

She walked over to turn the volume down and sat down on his bed.

"How you holding up sweetie?" She didn't get a response, just a tear streaming down his face. "I see."

"Do I really have to go back to that school," Ray asked. "Yes honey, I know it'll be hard after everything, but you'll get through it, everything will be fine."

"Nothing will ever be fine, I don't have my Jake anymore," he whimpered and all his emotions gusted out. He was crying uncontrollably.

"Oh, honey," she rushed over, wrapping her arms around him. "I don't want to live without him! Just leave me here to rot." He shouted.

She's had about enough of this nonsense, unwrapping her arms from around Rays body, she pushed him away from her chest.

"Now Rayan, you need to stop, I know you're heartbroken but this is beginning to be silly. Get off your ass, pull yourself together and act like this doesn't hurt!" He whipped his nose and quickly shook his head, this side of his mom scared him.

"You start school again tomorrow," with that she left the room and Ray took some deep breaths, regaining his dignity. "Okay," he said calmly, "I know exactly what to do." He pulled out his phone, making a important phone call.


Back at Jacob's place, he wasn't doing so well either. He was hiding under his covers, cuddling the pillow Ray had slept on. There was a knock on the door, his mother spoke, "Jake, sweetie?"

"Don't call me that! Fucking go away!" He screeched, squeezing the pillow tighter. She sighed and walked away. You could hear her mumbling to someone through the door. "It's no use, he won't talk to anyone."

About a week after Jacob broke up with Ray, he then realized he made the most stupidest mistake of his life. Ray hasn't been at school, he knew in his heart that Ray didn't transfer, but he was worried. He was waiting for the day Ray will return to school, to make everything right. Ray will surely take him back, right?


Jake's POV

I rolled out of bed and dragged my feet across the carpeted floor. Another day to cope without Ray. I still haven't gotten used to the fact of him not sleeping in the same bed as me.

I wake up randomly in the night, hoping that the wedding day was just a nightmare. That when I open my eyes, he'll be laying there next to me, snoring his life away.

Even if I didn't overreact, will we still be separated like this? Why does my mom think it's unnatural? Him and I aren't blood related. I see nothing wrong with it. Love is love, if someone was in love with their cousin, dog, and or garden they should be able to love them without getting hate! So what if it's not normal, let them do them!

I groaned and snatched a tee shirt from its hanger. Let's try to make this a good day.


I walked into the building and everyone was gossiping in the halls. I had eyes fall onto me and more whispers were created. I lifted an eyebrow and sped through the halls, to my locker.

What's up with everyone? No ones payed me this much attention since I was with Ra-wait, is he back? I walked over to one of my friends and tapped him on the shoulder.

"What's up man?"

"Um, hey, is Ray back?" His face suddenly froze. I didn't tell anyone we broke up, I guess they figured we did when he stopped coming to school, or nana probably got the word out, knowing her.

"Dude, uh, yeah, he is, but um, do you want to hang out?"

"I have to find him, there's things we need to discuss, but later today we can, see ya." He hesitated, but nodded.

I went upstairs, looking in every direction. I was about to hit the corner but another one of my friends popped up.

"Hey Haley,"

"What's up Jacob,"

"Nothing much, just trying to find Ray, you?"

"Ya know just hanging, uh, hey how about we look for him over here?"

"Thanks, but I already did, this is the only hall I didn't check yet." Haley seemed really frantic, like she was hiding something, everyone seems to be hiding something.

"I just came from there and I didn't see Ray, did you check that bathroom over there? I bet he's in that bathroom."

"What are you hiding?" I asked.

"Nothing, I'm saving you some time."

"Okay...? Well my class is this way, so," I lightly pushed her to the side and turned the corner. "Jake wait!"

"What's going on with everyone?" I turned my head and stopped in my tracks.

No. No. No. No. No. No. It can't be.

"I'm sorry Jacob, I was trying to protect you." Haley said rushing away.

"Ray!?" He turned my way and my heart dropped. How could he? I know I broke up with him, but how fucking could he!?

"Haha, what Jacob? Jealous?" That piece of shit spoke, Michael, fucking Michael had his crusty lips all over my man! "We're together Jakey, now shoo, me and Ray have unfinished business to attend to.

I couldn't handle it, I turned the other way and ran. "Jak-"

"No! Come on Ray, let the baby cry."

He had to go and date Michael! It could have been anyone, but him! He's won, Michael has officially won. He took my girlfriend and now he's taken my boyfriend. Now they're going to fuck. I sobbed at the thought of someone else having Ray inside them, or someone inside him.

Why did I let this happen? Why...

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