Chapter 6..

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"So, would you like me to take you back?" he asked pulling the car over.

I thought about it. Just a few months ago I was trying to find dirt on this mysterious boy. I searched for anything that could be used against him. Analyzing every sentence he said for a deeper meaning, and yet still nothing. The only dirt I got was he sometimes teased his adopted younger sister with cookies. And it's more of a game anyway! My only proof that he's hiding something from me is that damn smirk. The smirk that someone would use when they knew something you didn't. I want to know what that something is.

I can't trust this boy. No trust means no like. Riiight? I do really like Tyler. I can't deny that these past few months have brought me close to Jacob, vibe schmibe. But...Tyler...and Jacob...

"No. Let's see how this date goes." I said, trying my hardest to sound hopeful, but we both knew I wanted this date to go up in flames. His feeble smile showed he was happy, not satisfied. "One condition, tell me where we're going."

He chuckled, "I'm taking you to this place I came across once."

"How cliché!" I snorted. Yeah I know, attractive.

"How so?" Jacob asked pulling back out onto the road.

"In all the stories the guy always takes the girl to this romantic place he 'came across.' It's so unoriginal. I may have to take a few points off our date total." I tried to add a playful tone to lighten the mood. But seriously, a place he came across?

"What is our date total?"

"Well, we're starting off with ten points. Fifteen points means the date was great. I'm taking two points off for originality. Since there was none."

"Can I take points off for you being snooty?"

"Sure, but just remember you're the one who wants me to enjoy this outing."

"Oh. Well in that case never mind." For a split second I thought he was looking at me, but then I realized he was looking into the forest behind me. "It's in there."

He pulled the car over and got out, I did the same.

"You're not afraid to walk through the woods are you?"

"Nope. Bring it on."


They walked in silence - very awkward.


Oh my. The place was gorgeous. It was a very small clearing, surrounded by the dense forest. There was a small picnic cloth laid on the floor with rocks placed on each corner so it wouldn't blow away. (Although there wasn't any wind...)

"What no food?" I asked with mock disdain. "That's another 2 points"

"Hey, not so fast! Look up that tree," I slowly looked at the tree he pointed at and saw...a trunk. He sighed and put gently forced my head upward. Oh. There's the food. A backpack hung from a rope off one of the lower branches. "I couldn't leave it on the floor for animals to eat."

"Humph. Two points for thoughtfulness."

"So we're at...ten again. Sweet." His face lit up at the idea of being closer to fifteen, I couldn't help but smile too. God. He's just so cute when he's happy! Cute like a puppy that is... "So, are we just going to just stand here, or would you like to enjoy our date?"

We ate the sandwiches he packed us (two points for giving me a plain turkey one - my fav) and just sat on the blanket and talked about school and Peyton's wild flirting. After awhile the topics got deeper and we started talking about my childhood. It wasn't anything exciting, but he was genuinely interested in every birthday party, every broken bone, every bully. He wanted to know everything. I certainly felt flattered.

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