Chapter 16..

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When we broke from the hug, my bracelet got caught on his t-shirt right shoulder sleeve. It accidently ripped his sleeve and it revealed a long scar.

"Oh my god, Tyler what happened here?"

"Tyler?" Jareth said taking a step away from me.

"Oh, I don't know why I called you that." I lifted up his sleeve so I could better look at the scar. It went from his elbow all the way to his shoulder. "My friend Tyler had a scar just like this. He got it skateboarding."

He fiddled with his shirt before answering, "I was on a mission, and needed a distraction. So I did this to myself."

"But why?! Oh it must've hurt like crazy!" my finger traced the mark up and down causing him to shiver.

"I needed some...alone time with my collaborator."

"Ah, spy stuff." I winked. "Well, I'm going to the library, you wanna come?"

His eyes narrowed, "whatever happened to the martial arts studio thing?"

"Ah, those earrings will be there tomorrow. Today, I want to hang out with my best friend, until he has to be a party pooper and help a teacher." I gave him a convincing smile and wrapped my arm around his.

"I like that plan." He kissed my forehead and led me towards the library.


Dravon POV..

I couldn't sit still.

I tried waiting patiently on the bench, but soon became restless. So I tossed a medicine ball around for bit and then practiced my agility with a jump rope. But that didn't get rid of the anxious feeling that resided in my stomach.

The clock was ticking and our ten minute window was shrinking. What if Jareth didn't let her out his sight? He should be helping that teacher out right about now, making this Treakle's only chance to get answers. Who knows when we'll get an opportunity like this again and she's wasting it.

The studio doors opened and I sighed in relief. There's only two minutes left but I'll just have to talk fast.


"Master Wilson?"

"Are you waiting for someone?" I figured he wanted to make sure he sent Treakle to the right room.

"Yes sir, are they here?"

"Yeah, hold on." He ducked his head out, "Come in, he's here." Master Wilson's head popped back in, "Have fun, don't kill each other."

I smiled, he really thinks Treakle is a match for me?

And then...Jareth walked in. Talk about unexpected.

"Stay away from Treakle, you know what council ordered you to do." He said, getting to the point.

"I could say the same to you!" I retaliated, running my hand through my hair. This wasn't the reunion I wanted.

"I have special orders. I need to befriend Treakle."

"So do I!" minus the special orders.

"Just stay away from her."

"I will if you will."

"Treakle is my friend. Personally, I think she hates you."

My mind faltered. "Why would she hate me? She doesn't remember me..."

"I dunno. Why else wouldn't she show up for your all exclusive meeting here?"

Damn potatoes. But that doesn't make sense. Earlier she's the one who told me we needed to talk, now she hates me? Something's up. Rather, someone. I looked at Jareth.

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