Chapter 21..

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Treakle POV..

I really didn't know how to get out of that awkward situation. Normally I would have tried to comfort Dravon, but he doesn't know what comfort is thanks to his bitch of a mother. I know that there are kids out there with worse parents, but I couldn't believe how much she messed Dravon up all because she went a little crazy.

I hope my mom hasn't gone crazy.

Thankfully, Dravon solved my awkward-situation-escape dilemma by grabbing his gun and his shots, and leaving me alone. I stayed in the room for a few more minutes.

Looking around I realized the room was a big sound-proof glass square. Since glass is transparent, I could see Dravon walk away. As he left the target range gate his hand shot up to his face. As if he was wiping tears away.

Great. I made the legendary Dravon Stewart cry. I wonder if that's good or bad.


Two days later Jareth finally came forth.

(2 days till Mission)

"Treakle, you got's some s'plaining to do!" he sang when I opened my door.

I slammed the door behind me. Dravon and I were just training together and he was getting all pissed off. I have no idea why, but I currently have a sore boob due to the fact he lost his mind and forgot to keep in mind my gender. I have half a mind to get checked for breast cancer. But really, who kicks someone in the chest?

"I don't have time for this Jareth; I need to pack for my mission." I tossed my dirty clothes in my hamper.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. That's pretty cool that they're letting a level two go on a mission."

"Sure, it's 'pretty cool'" I looked at the clock, it read 17:57.

"So are you scared to be hanging out with the spy killer?" he asked leaning against the wall.

"Not at all."

Panic crossed his face, "Why not? Are you starting to trust what he says?"

I sighed, "No, I'm not. But I trust some things. Things he'd have no reason to lie about."


"Like things that aren't your business."

"Oh feisty. You know that's how I like them." He sauntered over to me.

"Jareth you know how I feel." I turned my back to him and messed with my bed sheets.

"Come on Treak, I've never felt this way about a girl before."

"Oh please! How many girls have you told that to?" I pivoted on my heels so I was face to face with him.

"Just one." He snaked his arms around my waist, "Just you."

"Oh really?" I didn't believe him but my breath was caught in my throat.

"Yeah," without a second to spare he crashed his lips onto mine. At first I was hesitant to take part in the... kiss...but one cannot resist something with so much passion. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. It felt like everything else in the world disappeared. Our lips worked in perfect synchronization, it was as if we practiced this routine.

As Jareth's tongue grazed my lip an image flashed in my head. Jacob. I pulled away, gasping.

"I have that effect on some people," he laughed.

"No, no. That wasn't meant to happen. That never happened, got it?" I brought my arms back down to my sides.

"You like me," he sang hugging me tighter.

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