Chapter 17..

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Training has helped me overcome my natural instinct to scream, so all I did was sit up quickly and stare at my intruder.

"I'm pretty sure you are wondering why I'm on your ceiling." He mumbled scratching his head.

"You could say that. Or you could say, 'Oh I'm sorry, let me leave before you kick my ass.' But whatever floats your boat." I crossed my legs Indian style. On the outside I may look laid back, but I was having a mental meltdown on the inside. My common sense told me to run outside and get Jareth, but my memory told me that Jareth was just in the room with this guy. I couldn't trust him either.

"Would you like me to leave?"


"No, I need to ask you some things." Uhm, mouth? What are you doing? Why are you trying to get the rest of the body killed?

Dravon began lowering himself down. Apparently he was on some type of ceiling climber apparatus. I don't pay attention in my gadgetry classes.

"Okay, well what do you want to know?" he asked when he was on the ground.

"I want to know why you're so obsessed with-" 'being number one' is what I wanted to say, but it would be idiotic for me to bring up murder to a killer. It's like suicide. "So obsessed with me." I finished.

Dravon ran his fingers through his blonde hair and sighed. "I'm not obsessed with you. I'm protective of you."

"What are you talking about?" my head tilted in my usual confused manner. Protective my ass.

"I don't know why but I have this need, desire, craving, whatever you want to call it, to protect you. I get this with everyone because I hate death, but with you it's different. When Jareth was being an asshole about your crush on Tyler, I wanted to punch his face in for making you cry. When Peyton shot you I thought I was going insane. Most of me wanted to kill her, but I just couldn't take a human life like that. I don't know why I feel this way, but I hate seeing you hurt. I need to protect you."

Love was the first word that popped into my head. Crap, a psycho killer loves me. But then I remembered the word innocent. He's pulling the innocent card on me again!

"Wait, how do you know about Tyler and Peyton?" I think my mouth has gone crazy. Dravon just said he has to protect me and mouth is asking how he knows that stuff? Its probably public, or easy to get to. He is a spy after all.

He sighed again, "I forgot about the brainwash. Do you remember Jacob?"

"How do you know him too?!" geez did he stalk me before I came here?

"Well I-"

"Treakle Kemp." A voice said over the intercom in my room.

"Yes?" I answered, glancing back at Dravon.

"The council needs to see you. Now."

"Okay, I'm coming."

The intercom clicked off.

"Don't accept the mission. It will be the death of you." Dravon pleaded with me as I opened my door. He seemed honestly distressed. But I'm not buying it.

I watched him walk away without saying goodbye or sorry I was on your ceiling. No, he says that council is trying to kill me. Or maybe...maybe it's a really good mission and he's jealous so if I take it he'll kill me! Dravon just threatened my life, I think. Holy shit!


"Hello Miss Kemp. It's a pleasure to see you again." The green eyed one said to me.

"The pleasure is all mine." I assured, well lied is a better word. My hands were shaking just from being in here.

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