Chapter 13..

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Dravon POV..

The smell of sweat and determination met me as I walked into the training facility. Normally I would immediately focus on preparation, but my mind kept replaying the council member's decision. Would they really jeopardize the whole operation like that? Adding her to the team was ludicrous. Maybe I've been putting too much trust in the council. In ten minutes they went from my family, to my cold-hearted boss.

I got to the martial arts training studio and pressed my face against the cool one way glass. I couldn't see in, but I knew someone was on the other side. Their pitiful sobs were very audible.

"I'm trying, I really am!"

On any other day I would have laughed at their distress. But right now I kinda can empathize. I'm really trying to keep my faith in the council. One bad choice shouldn't change my opinion of them. Maybe it's not a bad choice. Maybe I'm looking at it from the wrong angle.

"Dravon? I wasn't expecting you here today." My head turned to see who spoke.

Ah. It was Master Wilson, the main martial arts director. He was standing by the studio doors drying his hands. His forehead had a few sweat beads, but not enough to show he was with someone experienced. Guess whoever was in there wasn't trying their best.

"Council ordered me to train. I decided to get it done early today."

"Oh, well I'm already with a walk-in, would you mind waiting ten minutes."

I wanted to say yes, yes I would mind. I wanted to tell him that whoever he was with needed to leave before I walked in there myself to teach them a lesson. I wanted to throw a temper tantrum. Right now I needed to do something. Anything. The rage boiling inside of me needed to be taken out on something. Or someone. Sitting around waiting would only cause the fury inside of me to fester until I cracked. Nothing good came from Dravon Stewart cracking.

But all I could say was, "no, not at all," and sit down on a chair while Master Wilson gave me a grateful smile.

"She's a feisty level two," he whispered to me, "Not quite getting it, but will die trying"

"Oh what are you trying to teach her? Perhaps I can help..." I jumped up at the opportunity to do something.

"I'm not sure Dravon. I've always done her lessons privately." He bit his lip, I could tell he was caving.

"Oh Master, give me fifteen minutes and I promise she'll be mopping the floor with you," I let a smug grin escape. He can't resist my offer. He didn't refuse my offer.

"Okay, okay. You can give it a shot. But I need to get my Student Helper log so you can get merited for this. Don't start without me," he started walking across the lobby towards his office, "Go, go in. Talk to her, inspire her."

At first I thought he meant flirt with her. But then I remembered Master Wilson was big on pep talks.

I took a deep breath and smiled to myself before walking inside. Now my mind will be occupied with teaching this lame brain level two some moves.

"Master Wilson I, er, broke the balancer stick thing,"

I heard her call from the corner. Her back was turned towards me. The voice was familiar, but forgotten.

"I'm real sorry, I didn't mean to-" she turned around.

Fuuuuuuuck. Treakle.

I'd say I didn't expect it, but then I'd be lying. My luck has been on the fritz lately.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" she demanded starring dead into my eyes.

Damn, does she recognize me? Should I hightail it out of here? What will the council do if they ever find out? Oh man, oh man. What is it with this girl? Why is it I always lose my common sense around her? We were taught what to do in this situation, yet for the life of me I can't remember. I never forget stuff like this.

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