Chapter 38..

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Earlier;  Dravon..

There was an inferno burning in his mind of thoughts. Who was first on his list? What would he do with those stupid enough to be on his list? What was Dravon Stewart even capable of doing? Judging by the rancor that pulsed through his veins he assumed a lot. His muscles twitched with the desire to beat something - or someone - mercilessly until his knuckles were raw with blood. His feet marched him in such a way that to an onlooker he appeared to have a destination, but in actual fact his feet just couldn't stay still. He needed to get somewhere fast. Problem was, he had no idea where that somewhere was.

After walking past the same door with a lion-paw knocker Dravon let out a roar.

"Fuck!" He slammed his fists against the wall and sighed. One time wasn't enough. Three more times Dravon rammed his fleshy fists on the stone wall. On the last pound his hand slipped and a gash started spewing blood. "Great," he murmured. After ripping a part of his shirt to use as a bandage Dravon slowly leaned his head against the wall and sighed again. "This day needs to just fucking end."

"Well where's the fun in that?"

Dravon turned with surprise and whipped out his gun.

"Humph." Dravon glared and put his gun back in his pants. But he kept his hand close, he knew better than to let his guard down, even in front of his father.

"Why? Please explain why you and Mother are doing all of this?"

Breton sighed, "We already went through this, my son. This is all to protect you from those fiendish Kemps."

"Those 'Kemps' are the only reason I'm still alive!" The fire in Dravon's chest lit again. He still wasn't over the fact that his mother was still alive, but a spy never got time to just sit down and go over things. He just kept pushing the knowledge that both his parents abandoned him in the spy world to the back of his mind, but now the idea was standing proud and loud. "Who do you think trained me?! Sure as fuck wasn't you! After you got rid of me when mom died - I mean 'went into hiding' - I assumed you dead! Actually no, that's a lie. I knew you were alive; you just might as well have been dead. The only contact we had in these eleven years was the 'care package' you sent me after my first year, whereas Rech and Anna came to see me pretty much every other week. I think it's obvious who the 'fiendish' spy is."

With a glare Dravon's father back handed him. "I'm really going to need you to stop talking to me like that. Not sure where you got your oversized ego from, but just remember, I'm your dad."

It took Dravon a minute to take in what happened. This wasn't the first time his father hit him, it was just the first time and a long time anyone dared hitting him in the face without fear of repercussions.

"Hit me again," Dravon started with gritted teeth, "and you'll spend the rest of your days eating from a tube and pissing in a fucking bag."

Breton rolled his eyes, "I'm not sure why you feel the need to come up with all these witty threats all the time, but it's getting tiresome. So how about you just come with me to the watch-room and we get a bowl of popcorn so we can both watch the final execution like the family we are."

"You are disgusting."

"And I'm also your dad, so guess what; it runs in your blood."

"No," Dravon whispered. His heart was racing with adrenalin. Ever since he found out his parents were rebels he worried about the same thing. Was being 'bad' hereditary? Would he go rogue as they had? He mirrored himself after Rech; the top level six known to spies. A rebel wouldn't look up to the good guys. "I'm nothing like you. Don't ever compare me to you again."

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