Chapter 37..

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Third Person POV; Jareth..

He gasped. The pain. Oh God, the pain. Jareth slowly untied his shirt and looked at his wound. It was much more serious than he thought. Around the ragged gash his skin was starting to turn purple and black. There wasn't any blood flowing anymore but milky puss was trickling out. His eyes squinted shut. It hurt to breath. How was he supposed to walk out of the closet and act like he was fine when he was practically doubling over in pain?

Something wasn't right though. Jareth suffered numerous bullet wounds, but none resulted in this mind numbing pain. His eye sight blurred with the blistering pain in his side. Was it even possible to be in so much misery from one teeny tiny bullet?

Jareth groaned and sunk to the floor, unwillingly.

After what felt like five lifetimes he heard the closet door open with an ear splitting creak. He blacked out for a quick second and when he opened his eyes he was being carried through a hallway. Lanterns flashed past his eyesight before he lost consciousness again.

"Well, they work, but a little slow don't you think, Devi?"

"Mmm yes. Though the pain is a plus. A few extra minutes of torture."

Jareth opened his eyes and waited 'til the two blonde heads came into focus.

"Whaa...?" He slurred. Then the pain hit again in throbs.

"I'm sorry Jareth. You've been ever so helpful, but you are a variable."

Devi came into focus as she cooed over him. He looked up at Dravon's mom with confusion. What was he doing with her? He was just in a closet.

"Did I miss the...?"

"No." she cut him off with a finger to his lips. But then he realized it wasn't her speaking. It was the other blonde. "You haven't missed anything."

"Peyton?" he asked just as another wave of hurt came crashing in.

"Who else? I hope you don't mind but Devi's right. You were a wild card."

Jareth turned to focus on the older woman. Her facial features were harder than granite.

"I'm not going to have you waste our operation just because you have a grudge against my son. Jealousy is such an ugly emotion."

"Jealousy?" he parroted.

"I think that's enough. Kill him." Devi's tone was heartless.

He turned to Peyton with horror.

"Nothing personal."

She raised her gun to his forehead while Jareth laid there in pain and confusion so intense it should have been illegal. In fact, it probably was. Two seconds of pure torture later Devi whispered 'wait!'

"Wait? There is no time for waiting."

"I have a better idea. I think we can use Jareth one more time."

The malicious smile she gave him chilled his bones into ice...

Third Person POV; Treakle..

For the second time in just a few hours, Treakle woke up in a dark cell. But this time, instead of bars, she was faced with a glass window. The glass portal was two way and it revealed a room full of chairs. In the chairs were at least twenty blood thirsty rebels. She scooted back to the farthest corner. Out the side of her left eye she saw a body. Dravon was the first thing she thought about. As she gazed longer she realized it was too pale to be Dravon.


The body jerked and the face came into view.

Treakle screamed as she saw Jareth's face scrunched in horrifying agony. His face was changing all shades of purple and black. She looked at the rest of him she saw a gash that was oozing out white stuff while being surrounded by an infectious green-black color. It was disgusting.

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