Chapter 7..

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Ugh. The ground shook again. Uuuuugh! My side hurt like a mother fucker and I didn't have enough strength to move. My vision was awfully hazy, I could barely make out the shape of my arm as it cradled my body. I tried to remember what was going on but I couldn't. I felt like my memory from when I awoke this morning was swiped clean. Is it still today? How long was I out?

Another sound registered to me, well two, a humming noise and someone tapping on a keyboard or a phone. Where could I be? Maybe I was at home and Grandma had the fan on while she tried to finish that novel she's been working on. No. The fan isn't that loud. Maybe...maybe I fell asleep in the school library; the AC in there is deafening. The Library! I remember... planning on going there for my free period...and then Jacob came from behind me and pulled me with him. Where'd we go? Jacob! Oh where is he? We were hanging out...God this memory loss thing sucks.

"You waking up?"

A weak scream came from my lips. My judgment was still blurry, though it was getting better. I picked out blonde hair, just like Peyton's. But that couldn't be her since she doesn't have a man voice. Oh. Peyton! Even in my head I said her name with disgust. She tried to kill me!

"Who are you?" I slurred, trying to prop myself up. At tha same time the ground shook slightly knocking back on my stomach.

Two hands gently pulled me up into a sitting position. And as much as I wanted to struggle and kick this person, I was too weak to do so.

"There. Now, what did you say?" his tone was condescending, I could tell he was getting a kick out of my feeble state.

"Who. Are You." I was shocked when it came out perfectly articulated. Guess whatever happened to me is going away.

"I'm...Hmm. I'm not sure I can tell you my real name. But I can tell you I won't hurt you."

I scoffed. My eyes started clearing up, thankfully. The person in front of me was a boy. He looked maybe 18 or 19, with blonde hair that covered his eyes. Under different circumstances, I would probably drool over his attractiveness. The ground shook again.

"God where are we, California?" I looked around and noticed we were in a small room. It had nice, plushy seats lining two opposite walls, only stopping to make room for a door. The other two walls had small square windows periodically placed all along them.

"No, we're somewhere over the Atlantic right now."

My saliva got caught in my throat and I, very unattractively, coughed until it moved, "As in the ocean?"

"Do you know of any other Atlantic?" he sighed.

"No. But...why are we leaving! Where are you taking me? You've kidnapped me!" Wow. Took me long enough! "Take me back now!"

"Sorry darling but I can't. You see I've been told that I need to secure, and bring you back to headquarters. Alive. If I took you back that girl would kill you. Would you like to die? I hear it's not pleasant."

"Stop talking to me like that! Who the fuck do you think you are?!"

Oh my god. Oh my fucking goodness! That...that damn smirk that Jacob always wore flittered across this strangers face! This reminds me, "Where is Jacob? Did you just leave him there with Peyton? She'll kill him! You can't leave him we have to go back!" My voice wavered between high and higher again as I franticly ran around the room looking out all the windows. All I saw in each window was a greenish-blue ocean. Just like Jacob's eyes. *Sigh* I guess I do like him.

My eyes finally landed back on the strangers face, he still wore that damn smirk but he didn't have the same "I'm hiding something from you" look Jacob always had. It was more of a "You look retarded and I'm just going to sit back and watch" smirk.

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