Chapter 25..

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Even before I was off the plane I felt the wet, chilly breeze kiss my skin. I wore flare jeans with some converses I don't remember owning, and a bright pink windbreaker. When I peaked in my suitcase it was filled with clothes I didn't pack. Dravon explained these were our aliases clothes.

A black taxi picked us up right off the runway. He had a British accent, although his features were native to Brazil, perhaps.

"The best thing to do when your cover is blown in front of a civilian," he asked us.

My face scrunched up in confusion, until I remembered spies asked questions to ensure secrecy.

"You confirm everything until you are able to get in a controlled situation to perform the memory veil." I answered, looking in the review mirror for approval.

The cabbie nodded before staring the cab, "Where to kids?"

"The London Eye please, gonna do a little reminiscing before we go on our holiday." Dravon answered putting his arm around my shoulder. He smiled adoringly at me (well Edmund did anyway) and I couldn't help but smile back. "It's our anniversary. Two years."

The cabbie congratulated, "Lucky boy. Where you going on holiday?"

Their accents just fascinated me. They didn't really pronounce the 'H' so holiday sounded like 'oliday. I knew if I tried to speak like them I'd fail miserably.

"Cornwall. See the countryside you know?"

"Ah yeah. It's beautiful, Cornwall is. All hills and fields though."

"I like the beaches," the words came out of nowhere. Dravon looked at me with surprise. "Can't surf for toffee but the water is lovely."

"Ah, my wife is like you. A watcher."

We turned onto a narrow road that wouldn't last a day with bulky American cars. The houses were covered in beautiful stone and slate. They looked like they were from the 1800s. Finally we pulled onto a wider road next to a huge river. We crossed a bridge and stopped next to a crowd of people.

"Alright six quid."

Quid? What on earth is quid?! I thought they used pounds!

Dravon pulled out six gold coins that looked familiar to the pounds that were jingling in my purse. Maybe quid is slang for pounds.

"Ta, have a good day. And have a nice hols."

Dravon nodded and shut the door. He turned to me and smiled, pulling me into a hug. "It's show time Tree."

We started walking down the street towards the crowd of people, who I noticed were in a line. Our hands were intertwined and Dravon (Edmund, god that's confusing) kept glancing at me. As if he thought I'd disappear.

"You know I'm not going anywhere babe," I smirked.

Edmund/Dravon blushed, "Well I just dont know what I did to deserve you. Two years are nothing when it comes to the present. You could just dump me right here. Right now."

I turned to him, feeling less and less like myself by the second, "But I won't. I love you Ed. I'll love even when my heart stops beating. If I didn't, do you think I'd travel all the way to bloody Cornwall for you?"

"Randa, I'd travel to fucking Pluto for you." He grabbed my face in his hands tenderly.

"That'd be stupid," I muttered, "You'd die before you get there. I'd rather you just stayed with me." Quickly I pecked his lips and spun out of his reach. "So, we going on or what?"

After waiting about two bloody hours, we finally got our tickets to get on the London Eye. I was sitting on the courtesy bench while Dravon stood pressed against the glass. Somehow we only had three other people in the pod with us.

"God, we've been up here countless times, but London never loses its beauty." He mumbled into the glass. "Come over here babe."

I sauntered over, aware that the bloke in the business suit was watching me. When Dravon wrapped his arm around me, I leaned into his body.

"Look, that's where you told me you didn't think we were good for each other," he said pointing just below Big Ben.

"Yeah well there is where you ditched me for that leggy blonde," I nodded to the small corner shop where Miranda had apparently waited until three in the morning waiting for Edmund to show. We stood together for the next ten minutes when we became aware of a questionable conversation.

"Yes, I'm sure its them...No...It's just me and two civilians...Of course I can take them, their just kids. Thanks for the tip off."

"The suit." I whispered.


The word barely passed his lips when Dravon and I were slammed into the glass. Our faces pressed against the cool window. Fear was nowhere to be found on Dravon's face, just surprise. "Hello kids." His breath was heavy against my ear. "You thought you were well hidden eh?"

"Who tipped you off?" Dravon muttered.

"I don't think that matters," the suit grabbed Dravon's head and slammed it hard against the glass.

"Eddy!" I squealed reaching out to touch him. He struggled to open his eyes, but kept consciousness. "Get off him!" I bent my right leg quickly, ramming my foot into the suits manhood. He grunted and his grip loosened just enough for me to yank my hair away. I turned around and knocked the guy off his feet. I ignored Dravon's body as it slumped to the floor, and straddled our attacker around the chest.

"Who was your informer?" I asked raising my fist.

The man smirked at me and performed some advanced move, resulting with me on bottom. "I can't say gender matters to me when I fight someone. Especially spies."

The first punch to my cheek hurt like hell. The second was even worse. The third one wasn't as bad. But, oh, the fourth one. That one hurt like giving birth. The suit paused to take in his damage.

"Shame you don't look like this all the time. You look beautiful right now."

"She's always beautiful." Dravon murmured trying to stand up.

The suit, without turning around the suit pulled a gun out his jacket, cocked it, and aimed at Dravon's head. "Bravery gets you nowhere when there's a .23 involved."

Dravon looked at me with pure agony.

I tried to send him a smile, so he'd know I'm fine, but the suit blocked my view.

Just as the suit was going to speak, his gun went off.



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