3 ; opposites attract

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||Leia's p.o.v||

I hate clubs, but Michael agreed to pay me, so I'm cool with it. But if he gets really drunk, then he owes me 40. I watch Michael and Calum take shots while I sat there drinking a glass of water and I started checking my phone. After that butt slapping bullshit happened, I've never felt so powerful. I wonder what my parents are doing, probably studying gorillas and exotic animals that I've never heard of. I wanted to go with them, but I was afraid that the trips would be dangerous and I needed to work on school. But I don't think that I'm going to attend college. I'm not up for four more years of education. No way.

In this club, there's so much people making out, so much loud music, and so much dancing strippers. I find this place disgusting and they should probably clean up the place. This club smells like weed and smoke. Like how are people used to this?

I look at Michael and Calum and it seems they've had enough shots. Michael looks loopy and Calum's talking about stuff going around his head. He saying shit like, "Weeee arrrre thee keengs and the kweeens on the neeew brokeeen sceeeene." They're drunk alright. I walk up to Michael, "Michael, you had enough shots, come on let's go home."

"No, no, nO! The partay just started!" Michael smiles and punches the air.

"Okay, okay, go dance with strippers or something, go crazy." I say.

Michael tries to stand, but falls. Calum could stand okay, but when he walks, he bumps into people. Were they drugged or did they have too many rounds? Plus we got here like 30 minutes ago and Michael can't be drunk already.

I try to bring Michael up, but this boy is too heavy, it's like he ate the whole box of pizza! "Michael, come on, get up!" I grunt.

"NOo, you get uuuuuuuuup."

"Dammit, Michael, I think we should go."

"No, why don't yoooou go!" He yells in my face.

"I've had enough of this place," I mumble while bringing Michael out the exit. I try to bring him up but he's practically being dragged. Good thing I parked close by. I struggle to bring Michael to my car because this fat ass drank too much. I drag Michael out the exit and to my car.

When I try to open the door, Michael's head sits on my shoulder and I could feel drool coming out of his mouth. Ew.

I take him off my shoulder and put him in the backseat of my car. Suddenly, he brings me in the backseat with him.

"Michael, why did you get so drunk?"

I lay him down and look at his drunk face. This dork. I hate him so much, he owes me. I watch him slowly open his eyes and then they close shut and they open again.

"Hiiiiiiiiii." He says.

"What now?"

"You're soooooo cuuuuuuuuute."

"Don't play this drunk shit with me boy, I'm not up for it."

He puts his hand on my cheek and puts his other hand on my cheek. Quickly, I take off both of his hands.

"Whhaat's wrooong?"

"Michael, you're drunk."

"Nuh uh." He looks me in the eye and tries to lean in for a kiss, I bring out my hand and let him kiss it instead. "Yooourrrr liiiipsssss arrrre soooo soofffftt."

I laugh because those are not my lips, that's my hand. I let go and walk out of the car and go in the driver's seat. I can't believe I have a drunk boy in the backseat of my car. I start the engine and get out my phone and type in his address so we can get back home. The time is 1:23 and I think we can sneak in the house without Karen and Daryl knowing.

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