24 ; two big ass slices of pizza

18 0 0

||Michael's POV||

"Isn't this romantic?" I asked Leia as I looked down when we reached the top. I saw the string lights light up all around the fair and they were hanging from lamppost to lamppost. 

"Not only it's romantic, but it feels pretty magical." She snuggles up next to me. 


"Yeah, it feels magical, like there's going to be fireworks, and look the sun is about to go down." 

I check the time on my phone and it's almost 5 o'clock. We have to arrive at the drive-thru movie soon. "We gotta go soon after this ferris wheel, okay?" 

"Okay." Her small little hand squeezes mine and I watch her smile while looking down at her feet, "Your feet are big." 

"And your feet are small." I respond back. 

"Hey, your dick is small." She giggles. 

"There's little kids on this ride! And it is not small!" 

She rolls her eyes and smiles, "It's like when I'm with you, I'm not afraid of heights anymore. Like if I look down, my stomach doesn't have these butterflies, but when I look at you, my heart pounds and the butterflies appear and just flutter all around my stomach."  

"You're making it sound like you're afraid of me." I chuckle. 

"No, I'm not afraid of you, it's just that whenever I see you, think of you, or whatever, I just become all," she squishes her cheeks, "Fluffy!" 


"Yeah! Fluffy!" 

I poke her cheeks and feel the squishy-ness of her cheeks, "You are fluffy." 

"See what I mean? Fluffy!" She smiles wide and she pokes my stomach. 

"Ow! That poke was hard as fuck!" I cover my stomach from her. 

"But, your tummy is fluffy and soft and..." She smiles while close her eyes and swings the seat that we're sitting in. 

"I love the way you say tummy, it's like a little kid." I pull her even closer to me because she's in the type of fluffy mood. I watch her close her eyes and smile. I watch as we go up and down on the ferris wheel. I haven't been keeping track on how many loops we have been because I have been looking at how happy and beautiful Leia is.  

The ride stops and I watch the dude who is in charge of the ferris wheel take people out one by one. I guess it's done. 

The dude takes us out of the ferris wheel and wishes us a goodnight. 

"So, how about that drive-thru movie?" Leia asks. 

"Well, we should start heading there now for a good spot." I hold her hand and we both walk out of the carnival. 

It was a short walk from the carnival to the parking lot because we got good parking. Which was great and throughout the whole day, no one freaked out that I was Michael Clifford and no one asked for any pictures, which is also great. 

I open the car door for Leia and she gets in. I close the car door and run to my seat. I start the car and we take the nearest exit that leads to the highway. 

"Do you know what movie we're watching?" She asks. 

"I dunno, but I know that it's romance night at the drive-thru place." 

"Romance night, huh?" 

I nod. 

"Are you taking me to this romantic drive-thru movie place so we could make out in the car?" 

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