31 ; the end

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Am I still in this living hell? Yes. Am I still trapped in my own house? Yes. Am I going to speak up for myself? Probably. Probably today.

I breathed in deeply as I stood in front of my parents' bedroom. I was nervous about speaking out because my dad has become even more strict. My mom, on the other hand, she seems like she hasn't been taking it well either. If I were her, it would hurt me to see my daughter depressed.

I knocked on their door. My dad opened it very aggressively.

"Dad, can I speak with you?"

"What is it?" His voice echoes.

I let out a deep breath,"Please, oh please, stop making me live in this fucking hell! I can't take it anymore, and I've been very depressed because of you and I have lost the person that I love! I can't take it anymore! I'm 18! I'm an adult! I can do what I want without you telling me what to do! Plus, it's almost my birthday and all you worry about is me hooking up with Michael again! So, can I just please live my life and can we just please be a happy family again?! I'm so fed up with your bullshit that I have been feeling sick and-"

"Leia...I'm sorry-"

"Oh! Sure you're sorry! Sure you're sorry for looking at my every move in every second! Are you sure you're sorry for breaking my true love and I apart? I've been in this hell for 2 weeks and now you say sorry-"

"Leia! I'm sorry! Okay? I'm sorry that you've been in this house for days and I didn't know how to tell you that you could be free. I'm sorry. You can go live with Michael or something. I was protecting you so you wouldn't get hurt."

Protecting me? Sure! Protecting me from someone I truly love? Yeah, that's family love.

I bite the inside of my cheek and I look up at my dad, "I'm ready to move out of this place."

"If that's what you want. I'm willing to let you go for your birthday." My dad says.


2 weeks later

My dad agreed to let me rent an apartment in the city with Michael. We moved a big ass couch with the help of Calum and Luke.

I sit down on the couch and think about all of these rollercoasters that I've been going through, and it's been a fun ride. I got to stand up to my parents and the love of my life and I are renting an apartment.

Michael sits down next to me on the couch and he puts his arm around me, "This is great. We have our own apartment, we're together again, and everyone respects our relationship."

"Well, not everyone..."

"Okay, well almost everyone." He smiles. "Leia, I love you."

I grin at him and say, "I know."

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