30 ; alone

6 1 0


After what Michael said, it almost turned into a fist fight. I hold Michael back from punching my dad. My father was being held back by my mom. I have to do something. I have to make my parents accept Michael and I. I have to do something. I look at my dad as he talks back to Michael. He's angry, but there's tears in his eyes. I understand why he's fighting (not physically, but talking fighting) Michael. Just then, my father breaks it out, "Get out of my house! And leave my daughter alone! Don't come back! Don't!"

Fuck. Michael's facial expression turns into a frown. He huffs and goes into my room and takes his stuff and runs downstairs towards the door.

No, this can't happen. He can't leave.

I begin running to him, but my dad yells at me to stop chasing after him. I keep running after him.

"Michael, Michael. Please, stay, please-"

"Leia, it's no use. I can't- I can't do this. I'm sorry, Leia." He shuts the door in front of my face. I feel the tears pouring out of my eyes. I slowly fall down to my knees and cup my eyes. My father, on the other hand, he's glad that Michael's gone and his little girl is safe. I'm not safe. Not safe without him.

My dad takes away all my electronics: my phone and my laptop. He leaves me with only my cat to talk with and I have no outside communication with Michael or anyone else I know. Milo keeps me company. He sits there and listens to my little talks. I'm starting to think he likes my little talks. But most of my little talks involve tons of crying, talking about Michael, and all that junk.

2 weeks later

I got my phone back, but it turns out my dad knows my password and he blocked Michael's number. I can't receive messages from him anymore. I haven't been outside in days. I haven't ate in a while. My dad has been ignoring me. I've lost weight. I've tried to self harm, until Milo came up to me and looked at me with his pretty green eyes, probably telling me to stop.

I've been starting to think Michael wasn't worth it. But he was. He was my sunshine. He was my everything. He made me happy even if I was sad and I can't risk losing him. But I already have.

My dad has become even more strict. He told me to stay inside the house at all times. He installed cameras all around the house which makes me feel like I'm an experiment and he's watching me. He's watching an isolated girl who spends all of her time in her room balling her eyes out. I wonder if he's tired of watching me cry. I wonder if he's even felt heartbreak before.

The past week, I've been thinking about suicide because this, this right here is a living hell.

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