19 ; this is a blessing

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||Leia's POV||

Date Day


Michael shouted, "Wake up, princess!" He pulled the covers away from me. I groaned and tried bringing the covers up, but Michael pulls the covers to the floor. "C'mon Leia! Wake up!" 

I open and rub my eyes, finding Michael standing at the foot of the bed. Instead, I take one of his body pillows and cuddle it. 

"Leia! It's our date day! Get ready!" He whined. 

I sit up, stretch, and yawn. 

"That's my princess! Now go get ready while I cook up breakfast!" 

"I thought you can't cook?" 

"It's just cereal," He whispers and then shouts, "Now go get fucking ready or I will carry you to the bathroom and I will-" 

"Okay! Okay! I'll go get ready." I get up, run my hands through my air, and walk towards the bathroom. I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face. I take a quick shower and I head into my room soaking wet. I dry off my body and hair. I pick out an outfit: black knee high socks, a red skirt, a plain red tank top, a flannel of Michael's, and all black shoes. I put on my makeup and dry off my hair and just straighten it. I walk out of my room and find Michael in the kitchen waiting while eating his cereal. 

"Good morning, sunshine!" He smiles. 

"Yeah, yeah." I take my bowl of cereal that's already set up and I eat quickly while looking through my phone. I finish up my breakfast and Michael immediately asks, "Okay, let's go?" 

I nod. He walks over to me and takes my hand with a picnic basket on the other hand. He leads me to his car and opens the door for me. He gets into his seat and starts the engine. 

"So, where are we going?" 

"Some place special." He grins. 

"Is it romantic?" 

"It's a surprise." He takes my hand and squeezes it. 

I look outside the car window while Michael blasts his own album. Dork. Michael's hand lets go of mine and goes down to my thigh. My heart beats because that boy gotta keep both of his fucking hands on the wheel. "M-Michael can you please get your hand off and keep both hands on the wheel because I am not looking forward to a car accident as our first date." 

He lets go, "Damn, chill. It's not like I'm gonna swerve or something." He swerves the car quickly and I begin to freak the fuck out. 

I shout, "Dammit Michael! Stop doing this!" 

He laughs it off, "Okay, okay." 

I had my hand over my chest and I was breathing hard. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Calm down. Calm. Down. Am I calm now? Yes. Yes I am. God, that was so awkward. Why would Michael date someone like me? 

"Are you okay, Leia? I promise I will not do that to you again. I promise." He assures me. 

"Promise?" I look at him. 

"Promise." He looks down at me and then keeps his eyes on the road. I smile to myself because the way he said 'promise' was so assuring and soothing. 

I mumble, "Why do you love me?" 

"I love you because you are the definition of perfection to me." Michael says clear and loud. 

"I am not perfection, look at me. I have these stupid anxiety attacks and sometimes I think I don't deserve you." I explain. 

"Leia," he shushes me, "You. Are. Perfection." 

"Okay. Okay, fine. I'm perfection. Blah, blah, blah." I mimic him. 

"Leia. Are we seriously fighting over if you're perfect or not?" 

I rub my eyes, "Right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I am sorry. It's just one of those days." 

He nods, "I see." 

"I'm sorry for being a bitch on our first date. I'm so-" 

"Leia, don't be sorry, okay? Because today we are gonna enjoy each others company all day!" He smiles while he drives.

 He makes a turn and I look outside. It's like a park. There's tons of flowers everywhere and a gazebo that's covered in flowers. There's an arch that covered in flowers. God, it's so beautiful. Michael gets out of the car first and scurries to my side and to open the door for me. I walk out and see the park that's covered in flowers. How did I not know about this place? I'd go here like everyday. 

Michael smiles, "So, what do you think?" 

"God...It's so beautiful, Michael." 

He takes me under the gazebo and lays a blanket and our picnic basket on the ground, "This exact place is where my dad proposed to my mom." 

"Don't tell me you're proposing now, it's only been like about a week." 

"No, no. I'm not proposing, it's our first date!" He lays down on the blanket and I slowly sit down. 

"This place is so beautiful, but why is it empty?" 

"I have no idea why it's empty, probably because it right across a cemetery." 

I gasp, "A cemetery?" 

"Yeah, a cemetery." 

"Well, why won't we have a picnic there?" I scrunch up my nose.

"What?! In a cemetery?!" 

I giggle, "I'm kidding!" 

"Thank god, because I am sooo not getting possessed on our first date. Nooo way." He sets out the food between us, "Okay, so there's peanut butter sandwiches, my mom made them for us, and chocolate milk, yeah, she packed that too, and um..." He reaches through the picnic basket and gets out family sized chips, "Yeah, we got this too, and we also have desert." 

"What's desert?" 

"Pie and..um..." He looks in the basket, "Oh! Ok. We also have like-" 

"Michael, you seem nervous? You okay?" 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. But we got pie and strawberries with like that melted chocolate and that good stuff." 

"Well, okay." 

I grab a PB&J sandwich and eat it up. I look at Michael and find him looking at me, "God, you are so fucking beautiful, this is a blessing." 

I sip my chocolate milk and laugh, "It's a chocolate milk party, it's a chocolate-" 

"Don't start. You are not an Ashton girl, you're a Michael girl." 

I giggle, "I know, Mr. Clifford." 

"I'm not your teacher or that shit." 

I shrug, "I dunno it sounds...sexy." 

"Are you in that mood?" 

I roll my eyes, "No, silly! We're under a gazebo in a park, there's no way we could fuck under here." 

"Well, you said we would never date, but here we are. And you said, we'd never fuck, and we fucked like several days ago, so?" 

"And your point is?" 

"That it could be possible that we could fuck under this gazebo." 

"Michael, eat your damn food." 

He smirks and leans in for a kiss. Do not tell me we are gonna fuck/make-out under this gazebo. 

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