My Little Tail

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We all looked at him. He looked at all of us. Suddenly he broke the silence and said, "Mind if I sit here?"

"Nope not at all!!" I said trying to hold back my laughter.

He looked at me then smiled. It was such a cute smile.

"Well thanks, being the new kid and all I have no where to sit yet..."

Christian and I smirked at each other when he said this but tried to keep it to ourselves. Sam and Angie looked like they were about to faint while Diana was taking in his beauty. Then all of a sudden he got up and said, " be right back, ima go get some lunch!" The moment he was out of earshot we started taking.

"Yo why would he want to sit with us?" said Will



"Ya you guys better embrace him and make sure you two enjoy the rest of the week with him, 'cause don't forget you two are going to the Bahamas together next week" said Will, bumming them out.

"CRAP!!! I TOTALLY FORGOT!!!" Said Sam and Angie. They both looked like they were about to cry, so Quincy sat there teasing them. Then of course Diana was just sitting there like nothing had happened. Of course Christian asked Diana what she thought of him and she just said, "WELLLLLL..... If you must know, I think he is a sexy beast, and I couldn't care less" Oh Diana... I love how your just like me.


The new kid sat down between Will and Quincy. It was awkward silence...

"Dude, what's your name?!" I asked. He was so thrown off by this question. Obviously he thought since he had all the girls on the tips of his fingers, he was surprised that I don't even know his name. His expression made me want to laugh so bad!!

"Chase Boyce" he said.

I introduced everybody. He seemed pretty layback, like he was careless to. He started telling us stories from his old school and it was obvious he was a badboy. Diana and I just listened while Sam and Angie were puddy in his hands. But I have to admit, I was a bit interested in his stories. The boys just had there own little conversations. As Chase was telling us about how he teepeed a house the bell rang, signaling fifth period. We all got up and threw our lunch away. Will came running out of no where yelling, "IT'S MY TURN!!!" he picked me up and ran to our next class while Christian followed behind us. I didn't fight back because Will is to strong and he wouldn't let go anyway. Them boys always do stupid stuff like this to me, but of course I don't really care.

Will put me down once we got into our Social Studies class room. Christian and I sit with each other which is good. Right as we were taking our seats, Chase walked right through the door. Our teacher assigned him a seat.

....Which of course..... Was right in front of mine. I didn't really mind though, but still, does anyone else see the irony in that?!

Well, he sat down and smiled at me. I smiled back then he turned around. Christian and I talked the whole time. When fifth period was over I ran out of the classroom so that no one would carry me there. I met up with Sam in sixth period math. As I sat down, Chase walked though the door and Sam almost fainted. He was assigned to sit next to Sam. I let Sam talk to him, but I noticed that he kept looking at me. Once math was over I walked to my seventh and eighth period ELA classes. Chase followed me there. I met up with Quincy and we sat down next to each other. Chase's seat was across the room. Which was good, I needed a break. Then Diana walked in. She noticed that Chase was sitting next to her and she was just like whatever while Angie was wishing that she could sit with him. When ELA was over I walked to my ninth period art class. Chase wasn't there. Phew!!! GAWSH WHY DO WE HAVE SO MANY PERIODS TOGETHER?!! Its like he's my tail or something. Angie and I made fun of our terrible drawings the whole time. When ninth period was over, it was time to go home.

I met up with Christian at the lockers and asked him if he wanted to sleep over at my place. He said yes. As we were walking to the bus, I saw Chase just watching us while his friends caught up with him. Why does he keep looking at me?

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