What Am I Suppose To Do Now?

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Ugh!! What am is suppose to do now?! Once again Chase has me trapped with no where to run!! With nothing to say to him, I just say whatever pops in my head.

"Well, what do you want me to say?! Do you love me?" I ask.

"Yes" Chase answered with the most serious straight face I have ever seen!!

I was blushing so hard!! My face was as red as a tomato!! I quickly turned my head the other way, hoping he didn't see my red face.

"B-But, why? Wasn't it all just a prank?!" I said, still not looking at him.

"It WAS, not anymore. Now it's personal!! That was before I knew anything about you!! That was before I knew the real reason!! That was before I knew what you have been through!! That was before I learned to love you!!!!" Chase said. He put a hand on my chin and guided my red face back to his.

"I love everything about you!! I love your laugh, your smile, your carelessness, your love for ice cream, your love for music!! The list is endless!!! I can talk about you all day!!! Shit, when I'm not around you, I feel so out of place and I just can't stop thinking about you!! Raven... I love you!!"

My eyes widened. I finally realized that Chase truly loves me. His whole speech made me cry.

"Awe, baby, your tearing up" Chase said, wiping away my tears.

"No one has ever said something that nice to me before. Guess I'm not used to it yet"

"Take my hand and I'll make you get used to it" He was holding out his hand right next to mine. I reached for it, but then snatched it away. Suddenly all the memories just came flooding back, reminding me that he was going to do something so unspeakable to me, I just, I just can't.

"No" I said firmly.




"You betrayed me" I whispered

"I'm truly sorry!!" Chase begged.

"You said that already... There's nothing left to say..."

"B-but, you still didn't answer the question!! Don't you love me?!"

"No" I said. Then I just started sobbing. This was the exact same argument Ryan and I had the night we broke up. We were both sitting in this bed, saying the same words. It was happening all over again. And I think Chase read my mind because he grabbed my hand and put it over his heart.

"Raven... I'm not Ryan, I will never leave you!! You feel that? That's a heart. A big warm heart that's actually beating!! I'm not Ryan!! He has an ice cold black heart that never beats!! I promise that I will never hurt you ever again!! I swear on my life that I won't!!"

Before I could answer, Chrisitan walked into the room, with nothing but a pair of jeans on. Showing off his 8 pack. He saw my red, puffy eyes and Chase holding my hand over his heart. Christian came over and picked me up. Then he carried me to the living room and tossed me onto the couch. Then he spanked my butt like four or five times shouting 'Bad Girl! No!' I laughed. Christian sat down on the couch next to me.

"Look, I don't know what went down while I was in the shower, but, are you seriously gona take that jerk back?"

"I don't know!! This is the most I have ever been confused!! I think he really does love me!! But, he lied to me, he used me!! If I were to forget those things, I would be all over him right now!! But I just can't!!"

"Well, I can understand why you can't, the stuff they were planning to do is unforgivable!!"

"Right?! Ugh!! I'm so lost!! What on earth am I suppose to do? If I try to kick him out of my life he just brings himself back into it, if I stay with him then those memories and their whole plan is going to haunt me forever!! I can't fucking win god dammit!!" i shout. I'm super pissed.

"Just do whatever your heart tells you to do!!" Christian sooo sarcastically said. He Started laughing.

"Ya well, I think my heart ditched me and is on vacation" I sooo sarcastically said. Then we were both laughing.

We both looked into eachother's eyes. Then, Christisan slowly leaned into me, his eyes closing. I closed my eyes. Next thing I know, we're making out on the couch.

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