The Plan

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The bus dropped us off at Christians house. He got his stuff then we walked to my place. It wasn't far. The whole walk there we just laughed and talked about random stuff. I love Christian, but not as a Boyfriend. But as a brother. People in the past said that we should be together. Our instant reaction was 'I think I'm gona puke' or 'EWWWW'. Funny part is, we never even offend each other when we do that. Christian and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. He's just soo awesome.

Once we got home. I called my mom and she said that my parents will be out on a business trip for three days. BOOYA!!! I guess my sister, Alexa, found this out to because her boyfriend, Marlon, who was suppose to be banned from seeing her again was just getting dressed in her room.

"Why is he here?" I asked.

"Why is HE here" Alexa asked.


"Don't tell mom" Alexa said.

"...... OKAY!!!"

My sister and I are tight. We got each other's back at all times. So I don't really care what kind of bad things she does and what secrets I keep for her. And besides, if she ever does anything that will seriously piss me off and bite me in the butt, I can always tell her little secrets to my parents.

"C'mon Christian!" we walked to my room. We changed into our pajamas, and then we built a HUGE fort out of pillows and blankets. We are such little kids. We made popcorn and took all of the sweets and pastries from the kitchen. Then we sat in our fort talking.

"Omg Christian!!"

"What's up?"

"You know what's like super weird?"


"I've noticed that Chase has kind of been starring at me whenever he could. He looked soo...sooo... Hypnotized or something. Isn't that just weird?!"

"Your an idiot... Dude you have been spending way to much time with Diana"

"What do you mean?"

"it's so obvious that he wants to get with you!!" said Christian, I could tell he was holding back his laughter.




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"What?!?! NO!!! NOOOO!!!! No he doesn't!!!" I shrieked.



"Face them facts, besides you should be happy!!! The most popular guy in the school has all them honies and he chose yo' funky ass"

"That's exactly my point!!! Why on earth would he choose me when he's a badboy who can get whatever and whoever he wants?!?!"

"I don't know..."


"Girls are so complicated..."

"Oh... Shut up..."

"You think he might be messing with me? 'cause he is a badboy and guys do that sort of thing all the time" I said shoving a handful of popcorn in my mouth.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH!!! BACK THE TRUCK UP!!! Not all us guys play girls, some of us are gentlemen!!"

"k whatever.... UGHHHH!!! This is so damn complicated!! I need ice cream!!" I yelled

I ate a pint of ice cream, I wanted more but Christian won't let me have anymore :(

"Oh My God Chris, what if your right?"

"Please you know I'm right. When have I ever been wrong?"

"You don't want to go there..." I say letting a grin escape.

"Well whatever, what are you going to do?" Christian asked.

"What a super smart and michore person would do.... Pretend like nothing is happening and walk away"

"Wow... That's it?!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!!" Christian says while laughing.

"Well what am I suppose to do?!?!"

"I don't know make a move on the dude!!! At least do something"

"Nah, I think ima wait for him to make a move on me, say yes and see what happens from there, Because he's most likely not into me anyway... Soooooo.... Yaaaa....."

"Well... I guess I can't argue with that... Okay fine... But if he really does ask you out you owe me twenty bucks!!" Christian said.


After that, we just watched a bunch of movies until we knocked out at like 5 am.

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