Um... Why Are You Here?!

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Ryan.... Of course. Of all people that had to visit me today, it just had to be Ryan. And the irony that he just randomly decides to show up right after Chase, Christian, Marlon, and Alexa


Omg... Was he waiting for them to leave?! Does that mean he was in my drive way all this time?! Does that mean he's stalking me?! OMG!!! Is he a stalker now?! What if I'm the only one he stalks?! What if he- UGH RAVEN!!! SHUT UP AND STAY ON ONE TOPIC!!! RYAN IS STANDING RIGHT INFRONT OF YOU!!!!

"EEEEKKK!!!!" I screamed, in a high pitched voice. I slammed the door in Ryan's face. And backed away slowly. Then I saw he had stopped it with his foot.

"Yo, calm yourself!! I'm not gona kill you" Ryan said, with an evil grin, sliding across his face.

"AAHHHH GET OUT!!! GET OUT!!!! GET OUT!!!!" I shouted, running to the living room as fast as I could. While Ryan is behind me, taking his time. He slowly shut the door and very calmly and slowly started walking towards me, with that stupid little grin still on his face.

"Jesus, what are you on?" Ryan asked, then laughed at his joke.

I smiled, just like Christian, Ryan knows how to get me to smile, no matter what. That's what I hate about him. He still rememebers everything about me. My favorite foods, colors, hobbies, animals, you name it. He even knew my blood type, which I can't even seem to rememeber. And I bet he rememebers how I would laugh at all his jokes, no matter how much of bad mood I was in. Also I'm willing to bet everything I own that he still rememebers how much I loved his smile. How every time he smiled, I dozed off and was automatically under his spell. It kills me how he still remembers, because in a way, he's got the advantage here.

"I saw that" Ryan said, bending down on his knees and putting his face in mine. We were so close that our noses were touching.

Now, I'm not going to be the little helpless girl who needs someone to save her EVERYTIME she's in trouble. And because of that, I punched him in the jaw and pushed him to the ground and ran to my backyard, where Boomie was chilling under a tree.

Standing on two legs, Boomie is just about Ryan's height, maybe taller. Perfect protection.

"Booooooommmiieeeee!!!! Boomie come here boy!!!!!" I shouted desperatly while running towards Boomie. Being the sweet lovable self he is, Boomie came running towards me.

Now let me tell you, Boomie is a really smart dog. He may seem like a teddy bear and glitter dog, but when someone tries to hurt me or if someone strange is in the house. Boomie turns into the devil's hound.

We trained him to be a perfect guard dog. Whenever someone in the family says the word "help", then he goes from teddy bear to vicious killer.

"BOOMIE HELP!!! HELP BOY!!! HELP!!!" I shouted as he strut towards me. His ears went up and then he saw Ryan running out the back door.

He bared his teeth and got ready to jump onto Ryan, he was even drewling!!

Thirsty for blood are we? I swear I think I just saw his nails and teeth grow bigger and his eyes red with fire!!! Don't you just love protective mode?!

Ryan started running closer. I grabbed Boomie by his collar right when he was about to jump. He practically threw me right over him.

"Woah boy, woah... Take it easy" Ryan said. Walking slowly towards me. This just made Boomie even more tense. Now Ryan knows how badly I don't want him here if I called Boomie, the devil's hound, into this.

"I bet you remember how I can't controll Boomie when he's pissed off right? Well guess what? One step closer and Boomie is gona lung at you and I won't be able to hold him back!!" I said, with a lot of attitude.

"Dude, seriously relax, I'm not here to hurt you or anything, I just wanted to talk"

"About?" I was starting to lose my grip on Boomie. Any second now, Ryan will be dead meat.

"Chase" I eyes widened just a bit and my grip on Boomie suddenly got tighter.

"So lower your weapons and chill. Just be a normal human being for once, and let's go inside very calmly, and get some soda or something" Ryan said, turning away, walking back inside.

I nodded my head, agreeing to his conversation because if Chase can't tell me what he feels or thinks, maybe Ryan can.

"Down boy" I whisper into Boomie's ear. He put his infinite strength away but still was on alert. Boomie followed me inside, not leaving my side for a second. Isn't he cute when he's mad?!

I walked inside to find Ryan pouring himself a shot of liqour. I glared at him.

"Did you seriously think I would forget where you stashed all the alcohol?! This shit is classic liqour!! You guys must be riched to buy this bitch!!" Ryan said, handing me some. I knew he was right, so I took it without hesitation.(lol)

"So, tell me what you gotta say about Chase"

"Well for one, he's a fucking pussie, he won't fight for shit and yet nigga tries to pass himself off as a so called "badboy"?! Badboy my ass. If anything I'm the badass here"

"I know right? I figured that out a long time ago, when he was terrfied to leave without paying a cab driver!! Even I don't care about that shit... But anyway what else? State something besides the obvious please" I said, pouring myself another stuff. Wow, I don't know what this drink is or what it's called but hot damn it's good.

"I think he really does love you" Ryan looked and sounded so serious, it wasn't even funny.

Omg.... What if he's right?! I took like three more shots to help cope with it just a bit. Ryan watched me in awe, probably remembering how good of a drinker I could be. I could be pretty badass sometimes.

"Ya, so what? Why am I hearing this from you and not him?"

"like I said, he's pussie, he don't got the balls to tell you himself "

"I've noticed" I said "what makes you think he really does love me and he's not just being loyal to you and still going on with that stupid plan you came up with, for some stupid ass reason!?!"

"'Cause he's been kind of pissed lately, and he keeps on looking at you. More than usual anyway"

"Well, he's gona have to prove it to me, he needs to speak for himself"

"Dude, you should really give him a chance"

"I already did, and blew it"

"well that was before he even knew you, now he does so he can take you out a en even better date" Ryan was obviously running out of things to say. This is why I always won the arguments.

"Tch... Please he barely knows me at all, he just wants to get with these lumps!!" I said, mocking lump space princess from adventure time. Now I have run out of things to say.... I think I'm just going to make things awkward so he could leave.

"Just give him one more chance"

"THESE LUMPS AREN'T FOR SALE RIKI!!!!" I was pushing Ryan towards the door.

"What? Who the hell is Riki?! No, come on, I'm his wingman!! I have to do this!!"

"UGH!!!! I LUMPING HATE YOU!!!" I was now opening the door.

"Yo come on stop!! Just go out with him!!!"

"LUMP OFFFFFF!!!!!!!!" I said, pushing Ryan out the door. I bursted out laughing, so did he. I couldn't help it. He knew how much I loved adventure time and he knew that lumpy space princess was one of my favorite characters.

"Wow, your dumbass hasn't changed a bit!!" Ryan said, still laughing, walking towards his car.

"NOT A BIT!!!!!!!" I watched Ryan drive away then closed the door. Let's be clear, his presence in this house disgusted me. I was laughing at my own jokes, not his. But either way, no matter how much I hated him. I'm still human, and I still have manners.... Most of the time anyway.

Boomie has lowered his guns and is back to being a teddy bear.

I walked over to the couch and plopped myself down. Just thinking... Wow what a day...

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